Italian Class

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May 5th 2008
Published: May 5th 2008
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Today was my first day of Italian class. I just wasn't getting enough practice and I need to learn the language properly. Everyone I hang out with speaks English, so there isn't much Italian speaking going on. Heather and I are trying to change that. I realized how much of the language I actually know while in class's a lot. But I have trouble actually speaking, so I hope this class helps. After class Heather and I went to see our Mirko, awwe. He was so happy to see us. It had been over a week since we last saw him. We invited him to come out this weekend with us.

The new apartment and the new neighborhood are nice so far. Only a few, I can't find sugar at the grocery store. Two, we don't have any drinking glasses at the apartment. Three, and probably the biggest complaint, we only have a 40 litre hot water tank. Ugh, yes, the British is rubbing off on me from Debbie and Steph. For all you Americans, that's 40 know, as in 20 of those 2-liter bottles of soda. That's it...only 40 litres for 4 girls. Showering hasn't been fun so far. We FINALLY got a real bathtub and we can't enjoy it because the hot water runs out in 4 minutes.

Heather and I realized that we were the only females in the cafe/bar yesterday during the soccer match. I am sad/happy to report that the strip tease did not progress more than just the shirt eventhough Roma won 3-0.

I posted more pictures online and I have more to post as well. But I needed to start a new album online. So, for now on, you can find all my Italy pics at this website: I will update it often, so check back as much as you'd like. I'll even start writing up some labels and telling you what the pictures are of.

Know what I find funny? I like when people think I don't understand Italian, and then I look up at them and give them a sign that I understood everything they just said and then they have this dumbfounded look on their face. It's great!.

Ok, I'm going to go make something to eat. I'm getting hungry now. I'll write more soon! Ciao!


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