Homeless...sort of

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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
April 27th 2008
Published: April 27th 2008
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Well, we did it...we graduated. All of us passed our TEFL course. I graduated with Merit, haha. Nice to know I can speak English 😊 We all went out on Thursday night to celebrate. Our two teachers came out too. It was really nice and we all had a good time. Only one problem...allergy season is in full swing here and there is pollen everywhere. In Italy EVERYTHING happens outdoors. You eat outside, you drink outside, all the major places to go are outside. I am so sick right now. I've lost my voice and I've been living on Mucinex, Tylenol PM and Advil (for the sore throat). It's horrible. I hope I get over this soon.

We finally found a place to live for May. One big problem though...we needed to move out of our apartment yesterday (April 26) and the new apartment wasn't available until May 3rd. So, we decided to go to Sicily for a few days. But we're not going until Monday night. So, we're staying in a hotel for a couple nights. It's nice. We get free breakfast in the morning, clean towels and clean sheets. I'm loving it. The old apartment was getting quite dirty. The new apartment is in an area called Testaccio. It's by the Pyramide stop on Metro Line B (in case anyone knows where that is or wanted to look it up). But there are a bunch of clubs and bars in that area. There are also buses right on our corner that run all night and take us right to the city center so we can still go to Campo dei Fiori all the time too 😊 I'll take pics when we move in. We have an awesome courtyard and two huge bedrooms. I do feel like I'm back in college sharing a bedroom thought, but it's cool. The rent is only 900 euro for the month for all 4 of us. So, that's pretty cheap.

Ok, so back to Sicily...the place is in Giardini Naxos which is right by Taormina. It's only one block to the beach and nightlife. It's a pretty big place with a washing machine!!!!! Yes, I'm very excited about the washing machine. I need to do laundry really badly. I'll be sure to take pics there too. It's only 290 euro for the week to spilt between 5 or 6 of us. Not bad huh?

Oh, speaking of the beach. We went to Ostia on Friday and went to the beach. It was so packed. There was like no free space on the beach. It was crazy. But we all got some sun. Very nice. Yes, it's only April and we all were laying on the beach getting sun 😊 What a life. I'm just loving this.

I'll write more later and I'll post some pictures too.


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