a long, hot day

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September 15th 2005
Published: September 15th 2005
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me, beach, wineme, beach, wineme, beach, wine

what more can you ask for
so, we just got back to the classroom after a really long day of walking around the center, historic part of rome, i really appreciate the beautiful weather, but man it was so sunny and pretty warm, plus we did the whole touring thing for over 7 hours, we left our apartment at 8 this morning and at 5 we are just getting back to the classroom, we met at capitoline hill and thus began the first little adventure around the forum, it was interesting and they let us stop and sit to sketch and write which i really enjoy, then they let us have a break for lunch, laura and sara and i didnt want to spend a lot of money so we just stopped at this little piazza at a fountain and had a peach, an apple and then sara bought us some chocolate bar that was amazing, plus all the free, i would like to emphasize that word, FREE water at the water fountain, and that water is so good and cold, very refreshing, i love just sitting around that area and watching the people and cute dogs, although we almost saw a big black dog bite off

our italian friend, the one who speaks english...kinda
the head of a little cute puppy, then we met up at the colleseum, we had to wait in line forever in the sun, then i realized i had my umbrella, a gift from god, it provided some much needed shade, we went inside the colleseum and walked around, it was pretty neat, it still had the stage up from elton johns concert he had the sat. we first got here, so then we continued to palotine hill, and this is when i tune out, a lot was said but i really dont remember much, something like the foundation of rome started here, the oldest homes were found here from before the time of rome, some other stuff i dont remember, did i mention we were freaking tired and hot, thankfully i wore the perfect shirt, i escaped the sun, however laura did not, she got a pretty bad burn, so that was today, yesterday was also an extemely long day but spent here in the center, 4 hours of dante and 4 hours of italian, im sorry , you can only go so long before your brain says "no more" yeah, wed. are going to be the long days

this is just one of the billion pics we took..seriously
that will never end, then on tuesday we had art which was pretty interesting, we went to the museum on capitoline hill, it really cool to see pieces i learned about last semester in art history and then actually see them in person, oh yeah, then that afternoon our italian guys took us to the beach, it was about a 30 min drive, not bad at all, the beach was pretty much deserted, it was a little cloudy, but the sunset was absolutely gorgeous, dad you would have loved it, we all took about 300 pics just that afternoon, i had so much fun, well, tomorrow is pompeii, back up here at 7 in the morning, then a 3 hour drive and back, we were going to try and visit naples this weekend b/c its so close but decided not to b/c there is supposed to be a pretty cool festival this sat. night when everything is open late into the night, its called bianca notte, im excited, sunday i will be sleeping in, im sure ill need some much needed sleep, well, thats about as much as i can do today, i plan to go back to trastevere, buy

i just love this picture
a huge bag of apples, and go home and have a glass of wine, did i mention i was tired? ciao!

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absolutely gorgeousabsolutely gorgeous
absolutely gorgeous

thinking of you dad

15th September 2005

sunsets and wine...
I'm so happy that you got this opportunity. No one can fully explain how amazing it is to see other cultures. You have to experience to really understand. And it seems like you are taking full advantage of it. You look beautiful! Tell Laura I said hi. Miss you, Erin

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