Josh and Ashley visit Bologna

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Europe » Italy » Emilia-Romagna » Bologna
January 9th 2009
Published: January 15th 2009
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Josh and Ashley's last full day in Bologna we decided to explore Bologna. We slept in a little and walked into the center. Ashley's goal was to have gelato for breakfast so we headed straight to our favorite gelateria Gianni's. The weather warmed up a little so it wasn't too cold for gelato.

We walked around Piazza Maggiore and towards the area of the University of Bologna. It is one of the oldest Universities in Europe. The buildings are spread out through the city though, there isn't a real distinct campus. We walked to the area of 7 churches and then went on a search for a bank that would cash Josh's traveler's checks! No luck, the take home message is to not bring traveler's checks to Italy!

In Bologna there are 2 towers and the tall one is open to walk up. Josh and Ashley decided to walk up to get a great view of Bologna. I wasn't planning on walking up the narrow almost 500 stairs because they baby has slowed me down a little but in order to pay we had to walk up 20 stairs so I figured I was almost there anyway! 😊 The walk up wasn't that bad and the view was great as you can see from our pictures but the walk down was a little scary because the stair were so steep!

We walked home in the afternoon and Ashley and I went out to get a few things for dinner. She got to experience shopping at the little markets where you walk to a different one for everything you need (butcher, cheese, fruit and vegetables). We (or Jason) made his spicy spaghetti and Ashley packed up to head back to the states the next day. Her flight left at 6:20am on Saturday.

Josh stayed with us an extra day before he headed out on his Eastern Europe adventure. We went out for Greek food which was amazing and Sunday before he left we drove up to the church of San Luca. I got one of my favorite pictures ever and it was a cool view of the hills of Bologna. Jason brought Josh to the train station and he was off to Slovenia!

Tomorrow my mom arrives and we will be headed to Rome, stayed tuned for 1 more travelblog before we head back to the U.S.!

Love..Kristi and Jason

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