In the most beautiful place in the world...

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Europe » Italy » Campania » Sorrento
July 13th 2008
Published: July 13th 2008
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Found this pic online, it will give you an idea of what it was like there! Sorry, real pics will come soon!
So first of all I want everyone to know that I spent 3 euros in order to write this blog so you better love it!! Jk Iàm tired of being in the sun and shopping (i know!) so this was my next option. So we got on a bus Friday afternoon and took it to Pompeii which was about 3 hours away. The city has a volcano that has erupted frequently in the past, and the lava covered over the ruins of a city that was built like 2000 years ago. I dont know the whole story because after a week of sightseeting ruins and buildings I was not paying attention! MY brain cant hold that much info. Our tour guide was the cutest little Italian man that was telling us all about the Clintons and Obama, they all know our politics over here. So after that we drove down to our hotel in Sorrento. When Rob brings the camera cord Ill upload some pictures, not only was it serious air conditioning but we have a view of the mountains AND ocean!! Its amazing, the town here is really cute, lots of cute shops and great restaurants of course, but the best part was going over to capri. We took a big boat to get there, then hopped in a littler boat to ride around the island (saw dolce and gabbana, etc. houses on the way) and then we get into these rowboats! Things are so different there, I had no idea why i was getting into a rowboat or what was going on, but I did, and when the boat guy told us to lay down in the boat I really started to question what was going on. I looked at our destination and it was a tiny little opening of the side of the mountain! The water was gushing up so much that you had to lay down in the boat to get through!

14th July 2008

Thanks for taking the time to write in detail. I love reading about what you are doing, seeing and learning!

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