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Europe » Italy » Campania » Naples
October 4th 2007
Published: October 4th 2007
Edit Blog Post last night and today I just so happen to be sucks! I had the most horrible headache. After we were all checked in yesterday we just hung out at the hostel for a bit, later we met some cool new people that we decided to walk around with for a bit. We went to the market to get some things for dinner, but discovered we weren't able to use the we decided PIZZA...this is suppose to be the place to get it. So we all went out to dinner, which was hard to truly enjoy with a congested and pounding head. After returning to the hostel we loaded up our laundry, finally!!! We also made some important calls back home, which we haven't done since London! After I got sick I just went to bed...when I woke up I still felt sick to my stomach, so due to the fact that we all needed a little time apart anyway, I stayed was a really lax day for me.....I didn't leave the hostel until about 3 maybe even 4. I walked down toward the port in hope of finding a nice little beach. As I grew near the port a good looking italian, by the name of Luca stopped me to talk. His English was so so and my Italian was zero....haha so we walked together for a while, trying to make conversation. I was very cautious as to how 'alone' we were....and then the typical Italian boy came out....un bacio (one kiss). No, no, no....I decided before I came I wasn't getting into any trouble....after that I decided I needed to go back. He was very persistent, never grabbing me or anything, just asking over and over....kind of entertaining! He asked por que, wanting to know if I was married...I told him no, and made up a story that I had a boyfriend back in California. He said but you are in Naples, he is in California, in very broken English....hahaha....I was proud of me, I stood my ground. Did the kiss, kiss, on each cheek and said goodbye. I came back to the hostel, and Amanda and Kirst arrived shortly after. We all passed out for a bit. After waking Manda and I took a walk to find an open market, and just ended up finding some the night is coming to an end and I plan to sleep, sleep, sleep! Tomorrow we are trying to go south a bit to the Amalfi coast for a day or two. YEAH! arrivederci!


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