Skogar - Hella - Laugaland (81 km) (Total 3739km)

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Europe » Iceland
August 5th 2013
Published: August 8th 2013
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Esta mañana he reparado el colchon, he limpiado la ropa que tenia todava manchada de barro del trekking, y he intentado hacer el internet en el camping de Skogar, pero no habia manera. Asi que he visitado la cascada alli y me he puesto en marcha, 30 km mas adelante he visitado la siguiente cascada famosa y continuar. En el siguiente pueblo grande he conseguido por fin liquidar lo del blog y he aprovechado para hacer la compra. Y de ahi carretera otros casi 30 km mas hasta este camping. Como hoy es el dia de la independencia islandesa, habia mogollon de coches en la carretera y ha sido un poco pesado el camino. El viento por supuesto hoy no ha hecho vacaciones y lo he tenido tocandome la moral casi todo el dia.


This morning I repaired the mattress, I cleaned the clothes that still had mud of the trail, and I tried to make the internet Skogar in camping, but there was no way. So I visited the waterfall there and I started, 30 km later I visited the other famous waterfall and continue. In the next large village I have finally update the blog and I made some supermarket shopping. And from there almost 30 km road to this site. Since today is Icelandic Independence Day, there are lots of cars on the road and that makes the cycling a bit stressing. The wind of course has no holiday today and it has been oposing me almost all day.

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