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August 17th 2010
Published: August 17th 2010
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Quick update:
still blazing hot
still super busy
found a way to watch American tv online, only jersey shore plays though 😞
might have found a possible job in London as a nanny if teaching doesn't happen
didn't feel that great today, skipped first lecture and ate tums
feel fine now
only a week and a half left of classes

will post more soon 😊


17th August 2010

I just wrote you a note and it disappeared whileI was talking to Amy---don't guess you got it!!!!Will make this shorter. Hope you find whatever you think is best whether nanny or teaching. You'll know! We've had terrible hot weather, too, but a. c. is better than you have!. Other than going to Hardee's , getting my hair washed we stay inside. Going to Griffiths was a change :( I cooked last night but that's too hot)Going to church tomorrow to take up money (fried chicken)Got your postcard ; since I can't make prints on laptop, I can show that to ones we tell about you and how pretty it is.Love, Memaw

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