Day 3 - Heat Wave at the Parthenon

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August 13th 2006
Published: August 13th 2006
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August 13, 2006

Olga and I got home really late this morning from the internet cafe. I made it around 3AM and was so hungry. I ate two souvlaki sticks and then drank a beer. I was still wide awake and then tried to turn on the TV. I had a really hard time turning it on - all TV sets in Greece are mental! I was finally able to turn it on my doing a "channel up". Anyways, watched some lame programming and then finally passed out. Adriano in the meantime was sound asleep. Then at around 9AM Olga gave me my wake-up call. We were supposed to get up much earlier than that to leave for 7AM to see the Parthenon - yeah right! I quickly got ready and then walked over to my uncle's house, then Adriano and I both ate a quick breakfast. We then took off, but just as we were about to leave our cousin Maria called us and we then realized that we forgot to invite her to go see the Parthenon. We met at the train station and took the next train to the Attiki train station and then took the metro to the Parthenon station. On display were some relics that were found during the metro excavations. We took some pictures and then took some more as we approached the Parthenon and inside the grounds. It was supposed to be free today (Sunday), but apparently was free on Tuesday instead. We each paid 12 euros to get in. The sun was really powerful today and the heat wave exhausted us. Adriano was a little sad because I didn't buy a book about the Parthenon that he wanted. I eventually returned to get that for him and he was then in better spirits. We even took a picture of him holding the book open. In fact, we took a lot of pictures today and that was all good. It was around 13:00 and we were really hungry so we went back to the metro and got off at Monasteraki. There were crowds of tourists. We found an eatery and ordered pork yero. They brought us huge portions and we all overate. Once we were done we went shopping and bought many souvenirs. We wanted to shop some more, but Adriano was really getting tired so we took off. We dropped off Maria first and then walked to my uncle's house. On the way we got some ice cream to cool off, then when we arrived home we all passed out. A few hours later we all woke up groggy and drank some coffee. Only Adriano was in a good mood. After the coffee everyone was fine - but it was still scorching hot at 18:30. I decided to walk home with Adriano where my aunt was waiting for us on the balcony. We sat with her there and chatted. We then went to the terrace where Adriano watered the plants - he really loves doing that. Then we ate a simple supper - horiatiki sakata with some left over meat from lunch. The salad was awesome and so was the meat. We then started making plans for the new week. I told my aunt that I really needed to go to the sea with Adriano for a swim, but we have to wait until after the Ascencion. Next Wednesday my aunt has the day off and were heading off. My sister and mom don't want to go swimming because they had their eleven-day share in Sifnos. But Adriano and I is a different story - we are really antsy to go. A lady across the street also offered to bring us next Wednesday, but I politely declined telling her that my aunt was off work. Olga then called to see if we were going back to the internet cafe. I put Adriano to bed and slowly took off. We got lost again trying to find the place and oh yeah the stray dogs were very upset with us when we went through their territory. It was a good thing that they were behind bars because we were toast otherwise. It's now 23:09 and I'm going to call it an early night. This has been a good day, but am really tired.


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