Athens - day2

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August 13th 2006
Published: August 13th 2006
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My aunt riefly woke me up yesterday morning by opening and closing the light really early in the morning. She was leaving early Saturday morning to go to work. Bummer! She works six days a week. I can't remember what she said because as most people have discovered I am not a morning person and everything is incomprehensible to me at that early hour. Later on in the morning at around 9:00 I got a call from my sister reminding me that Maria was coming to get us at 10:00 to go shopping. I quickly got up and got ready. Left the house at 9:30 and started walking to my uncle Nick's house. While I was walking I was getting the butterflies in my stomach again from being excited too much. I still couldn't believe I was here! When I arrived my mom had already prepared breakfast, which was good. My sister was so mad though because my mom had only made breakfast for my son and I. Maria was late and then called around 10:30 and asked us to meet her at the Nea Ionia train station. While we were waiting I was taking a few photos. Finally we headed off to the shops in Nea Ionia with Maria. My sister bought a few gifts and then we went to Maria's house for juice afterwards. She showed her new pet turtles Brigitte and Amelie. They were tiny and doesn't know what she will do when they grow bigger. After a short visit we went to my uncle's house and I passed out on the couch while everyone else ate. Then I woke up three hours later and everyone else was sleeping except my son, who had a tobacco smell coming from him. I asked him if he had been smoking and with a guilty half-smile confessed. I could only laugh, but did ask him where he had found his cigarettes. Later on that night I told my mom to confiscate the goods. In the meantime we walked over to my aunt Thalia's house. A short while later my aunt arrived and she was really tired. I talked to her as she ate and also ate my first fruit while on vacation, a nice juicy peach. After playing on my laptop, which my son also likes to use, and after some television watching we went back to my uncle's house for supper. Before that we made a quick stop at Jumbo, a huge toy store and dollar-store type store. My mom cooked some keftedes, home fries, and a greek salad. I also had a glass of retsina - so good! We then brought my son's luggage back to my aunt's house. There was a nice breeze and we stayed out on the balcony for a while chatting. We were in deep conversation about the past and present until my sister called and reminded that I was supposed to be there at her place (yes there was some record-scratching sounds in the background). I got ready quickly after giving my son a quick shower. He was complaining that he wanted to come with me, but it was already 21:30. We finally went out and walked and walked. The plan was to find an internet cafe, but the one we wanted to go to was closed. Finally, we found a nice cafe place and stopped to get some juice. This really gave us a second wind and started walking some more. After some careful directions we found a joint and did some internet cafe-ing. It's 2:25AM now. Better get going. My sister is laughing her head off reading my first blog entry. She must be tired. I still can't sleep. But going...


14th August 2006

Ahhh... You may find it strange... Third try!
Yes, I am testing your blog. Created an account called "Leeza" so my comments can appear automatically. AND for the third time, here is my comment. It's a good thing I wrote it in Word... hahha I am glad you are having a good time with your family. Fabiola and Yuri are doing fine. Yuri is teething and eating a little less (double portions instead of triple), his diarrhoea subsided and he is happy again. I prepared seafood sauce with tomatoes for your Dad and brought it over yesterday night. We ate together; he had two full plates of pasta and Theo half a portion! Your dad was happy, he liked it very much. We then had our short Greek lesson. I learn how to say: “Alla tho spiti mou” that is what I wanted to tell your aunt on the phone! I also learned “Tha Pao”… I think, we spoke about you going to Greece “like a burglar” and had a good laugh at your ambush! At Nonna’s house, the kids took a “rain shower” (the huge circular showerhead in Nonna’s bathroom) and went to bed. Fabiola is adorable, she is maturing rapidly, and her expressions are funnier everyday, as she tries to speak and act like a “bid gurrl”. “I washed my hands Mommy; I buckled my seatbelt Mommy; I dressed by myself Mommy: Mommy, you are so funny; Mommy, those are not the words to my song, you are so silly!” Yuri now says “Policar” instead of “Beebah” and finally singled out "yellow" from other colors. The traffic started again in Montreal and the weather is cooling down. As for me, I am doing fine, thank you for asking, I am staying over at my mom’s house for a couple of days. I too needed a vacation! Enjoying your blogs, would like more details on Adriano’s whereabouts and reactions… Did he like the Parthenon? Did he ask a lot of questions? Is he having fun? Where did he get the cigarettes? You know, I knew he was going to pull a stunt like that… hahaha. If possible, paste pictures of him on your blog. Ta Ta! Leeza

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