Last day in Athens

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July 7th 2007
Published: July 7th 2007
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Today was another scorching hot day, high 30's again. We did quite a bit of walking today, trying to make sure that we didn't miss anything! We started off the day by visiting the temple of Zeus, and Hadrian's arch. The temple was really interesting to see. In it's prime it was a huge rectangular shape composed of 204 huge pillars. Only 16 remain today and of those 16, one is laying on the ground in pieces.

After this we wandered up to see the Panathinaikon Stadium, which is the basically the birthplace of the modern Olympics. The seats are all carved into the stone, and the five entangled rings (olympic logo) look over the stadium. No one is actually allowed to go into the stadium, but it is an impressive sight none-the-less! Next we headed over to see the Theatre of Dionysos, which is at the foot of the Acropolis. As is the way with ancient ruins not too much remains, but what is there is telling. You could still seats seats carved out of stone, the seats in the front row being the fanciest, with words carved into the seats. At the back of the stage there was a really wide, but not very tall carving of people and possibly jokers. After this we wandered around the Acropolis and back to the Ancient Agora, to finish what we had missed on our first day.

Today we booked tickets on a ferry to take us to the Greek Island Paros for two days. We leave tomorrow and after that we will be making our way by ferry and train to Bari, Italy. Thus, there may not be another entry for a while. I brought my camera and USB cord with me today and again, this computer won't let me download pictures. We have tons of good ones (Dan alone has taken over 1,200), so as soon as I can figure out how this works, we'll be sure to post them! .. don't worry though, not ALL of them!...


23rd July 2007

Hey both of you! It sounds like you are having an amazing trip so far! You've already covered so much and seen so much! Lets hear it for some more entries and pictures!!! Miss you! xox Lia

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