
Germany's flag
Europe » Germany
July 26th 2008
Published: August 10th 2008
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Our travels in Germany began with a night in Trier and an absolutely magnificent thunderstorm, we were having dinner when it hit so we had a bit of shelter until we had to head back to the hotel. The next morning was an absolute scorcher and we had a bit of a wander around Trier before heading on a scenic drive along both the Moselle and Rhine Rivers en route to a night in Frankfurt.

Heading off early from Frankfurt we were on the autobahn on the way up to Berlin, its pretty surreal when you're cruising along at about 130kph and cars just fly past as though you are standing still and have disappeared over the horizon within about 20 seconds.

We made a stop in Potsdam, about half an hour out of Berlin to have a look at the impressive park/gardens there and struggled wandering around in the sweltering conditions

We spent three nights in Berlin, and it was brilliant, we did a bicycle tour around the main sights so we got a bit of the history and could see where we wanted to head back to. The main highlights were the Wall, the war memorials and the Brandenburg Gate. Every corner you turned there seemed to be another amazing building, museum or monument

After soaking up the history in Berlin we headed down for a night in Dresden, and again enjoyed wandering around the city centre with its many churches and opera house

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