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Europe » Germany
September 17th 2007
Published: September 17th 2007
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Hi, Everyone, I dont know if our pictures came out on the blog. It was a lot harder to put them on than I thought it would be. Next time I will practice first. It took us 45 minutes and the patience of a very competent attendant at the cyber cafe. It took me two scoops of gelato to recover from the frustration. We are now in Dresden, after leaving Berlin. The history in these two places is sobering. The last time I was in Berlin it was divided. It is good to see the difference. The former east Berlin is bustling with activity and building whereas before it was all quiet and gray. We are being daring with our eating. Ive had herring a few times, including a herring sandwich. It was great. Weve had wild boar, pig knuckles, and Harold had nutria. I wasnt brave enough for that. He said it was good. Tasted like pork. Tomorrow we head for Prague for two days. Take care!


17th September 2007

pictures worked
The pics look great! They only showed up today on the blog. (9/17) Sounds like you are having a great time and lots of food adventures--Harold-- I don't think I could eat nutria after seeing them swimming in the swamps of Louisiana--kind of look like big rats to me!! Keep on traveling--looking forward to blogs from Prague. Cold and rainy here--you aren't missing much.

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