Karneval Les Amies

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February 22nd 2009
Published: February 22nd 2009
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Hey so I decided not to be to lazy and write another entry. It's Karneval here in Köln this weekend. It is really hilarious every one is dressed up in costumes and I guess the main attraction is drinking and well the parades on the street. I had friday off and monday tuesday for Karneval since we live near köln and well thats where the big party is but its pretty much all celebrated in the area of the Bergisch land where I am. My first introduction to Karneval was thurdays getting on the train to go to school I get at the train station everyone dressed up in costumes happy and singing drinking at about 9:oo in the morning. all ready to take the train to koln. I went afterschool with a friend to find a costume since i had waited to long before getting one that the day came where it was carnival and i had no costumes so my friend and I went with her mother to a town near by but turns out everything was closed at 1:00 since it was carnival.

We ended up in koln after that on the train met several friendly german people a little tipsy so far more social then of the average day but its because its carnival and everyone is happy. So I got a costume I'm a hippie its really funny, Feels like Halloween in the middle of feburary. We walked around in the streets of the old city after that and there was a a parade in which they where throwing napkins kleenexs and bonbons and flowers it was totally funny I found. The bigbig Parade is tomorrow, I can't waith. Thursday night I went to a school party which was pretty much normal it reminded me of are school dances back home when no one ends up dancing but looking for people the entire night walking around in one end of the room to the other. Then I went to sleep over at Beatrices house because I live to far to come back home. Friday afternoon I had two exchange students for remscheid.

We went out for Koffee and it ended up being pretty funny because Marfers ended up putting salt instead of sugar in her coffee and no matter how much sugar We put in maybe 10 sweet things in always remind salty so she got another one. then we went back home put some music on and danced I tried to have her teach me salsa didn't work out good turns out I am not a dancer but we had fun. After they went home her and Emma.

I wnet to Köln at night to meet up with the spanisch exchange students and partyed with them for karneval in the streets. I don't usually go out with them because I cannot understand the language and often its the americans and the spanisch sperated every time we have meets together. I must say I never had so much fun in my life they are so fun to be around it made me so happy the singing the dancing the hugging the loudness. I found it fairly amusing.

Yesterday my host brother had a couple friends over and well now the house is a mess, I'm so depressed everything I go down in the kitchen. its so messy but I guess thats what happens when the parents leave a bunch of teenages alone for the weekend on carnival.

today im not sure yet what I'm doing relaxing and maybe meeting up with a friend later will see.

its so hard to write in english today so many german words keep coming up and i keep writing and erasing.


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