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August 2nd 2006
Published: August 2nd 2006
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hello everyone!!! im sitting in an internet cafe in the small town of wacken, about an hour from Hamburg in Germany, with a population of 300 except for one week of the year when the population gets up to 30, 000 consisting of crazy metalheads!!! Of course this included yours truly :D apologies in advance for any typos, the german keyboards vary slightly from ours.

Ok, where to start. I last left you with our departure from crappy london at last!! We got on the plane to germany, and it was so exciting coz there were so many metalheads on our flight!!! There was a really exciting atmosphere, even tho it was only 6 in the morning. The flight was really quick, only 1hr 15min. We met some fellow metallers on the plane, 4 guys from manchester, and we all decided to get a maxi taxi and go straight to wacken from the airport. It cost 160 euros, but between the 7 of us, it was really cheap.
I was really tired, but i couldnt sleep because the countryside we were driving through was so beautiful! The drive was a couple of hours, and we made a couple of stops at petrol stations on the way. that was really cool coz i walked in the first one and found that they sold alcohol really cheap off the shelves!!! so we all got one for the road and kept going.

As we came into the town of Wacken it was so exciting!!! There were metallers everywhere!!! Never seen so many in one place before in my life!! And it was still 2 days til the festival starts, so it was nothing compared to whats to come.

We pulled up and unloaded our stuff. We realised then that our tent poles had fallen out of gemmas bag at the airport. We then had to trek up to the town and buy some merchandise tents, as well as a tshirt and a hat each :D Then we finally got inside and started setting up camp. What had started out as a sunny morning tho soon turned into a downpour!!! It was dark and cloudy and it was pissing down, so that wasnt so good when setting up tents. We were soaked, and its all muddy and cold, and of course i only brought heatwave-suitable clothing!!! But its all good, nothing can kill the atmosphere, its so hard to describe the feeling in the air 😊

Its so funny coz the ratio of guys to girls here is about 50:1 so wherever we go drunk metallers bow before us hahaha its so multicultural here, ive met guys and girls from germany, poland, england, scotland, israel, france, italy and more!!! everyone is so friendly, we spent the evening drinking with our neighbors at the camping site, every different camp blasting various music, its great!!! of course i got a tad drunk and am now paying for it, but hey thats life 😉
well, my credit is about to run out, but it looks like another wet day, more drinking to come, and the festival doesnt even start until tomorrow!!! Ill update soon, hope all is well in good ol' perth wile im out adventuring the world!! 😊 take care all, love and smoochies,
Jossie xoxoxoxoxoxoxox


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