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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Garmisch-Partenkirchen
October 22nd 2007
Published: October 23rd 2007
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Well, it's only the middle of October and it's already SNOWING. I can't believe it! I have never seen snow this early into the year before. It is beautiful though. It's so cloudy surrounding the mountains that you can't see very high up though. It is also QUITE cold.
This weekend I had two days off. I actually ended up not doing much. Saturday night a group of us went to a nearby town on the train to go to this cool restaurant. It was traditional Bavarian food: I had roasted chicken, creamy cauliflower, and this tasty noodley thing. It was excellent. The cool thing is you can get a little tiny mini keg for your table. And I was told that it's one of the best beers in this area and they brew it there! So that was fun. Sunday I ended up consuming massive amounts of coffee and some of the coffee shops.
Well, now that it's snowing, I am sure glad that I got that bike trip into Austria done! I haven't gone sledding yet, but I figure I will have 6 more months to go. My friend who has been here for 3 years actually laughed at me when I asked if winter would be over by March. Fantastic. ;-)
Hopefully I'll have some more exciting updates soon! Everything is go for Barcelona on November 6th!


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