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Europe » France
May 30th 2011
Published: May 30th 2011
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Sunday 29th May

Nice easy couple of days, we are now settled in at the campsite at Laragne where we will be for the next two weeks. I am helping at the paragliding competition next week and Phil needs to sell some glider bags.
Yesterday I went cherry picking with my sister, Louise and I made cherry pie for tea, yum!
This morning we headed up the hill so Phil could fly, unfortunately he had problems rigging his glider as the sail didn't want to tension and he broke a piece trying to force it. I decided to take a stroll up to see Louise and the other paragliders take off and left Phil to have a hissy fit. We then headed back down the hill where Phil could calm down and, after two large beers, re-rig his glider and wet the sail to try and stretch it a little, which seemed to work.


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