Pool, Jeanne, and Port-Grimaud

Published: July 28th 2008
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Sunday afternoon the younger Caroline invited me to her aunt's pool for a swim. Her family lives in several of the houses bordering the house we are currently in and rent them out throughout the year. The pool and accompanying view were gorgeous as you can tell from the pictures.

Monday afternoon I spent with Jeanne, one of the girls down at the polo club. (Her name is pronounced kinda like Jen only longer). Jeanne is 19, will be 20 in December and lives in a town outside of Paris with her mother. For two months this summer she is working as a riding instructor for tourists coming to the St. Tropez polo club. She learned how to speak English while in England and thus has a wonderful English accent - very cute. She swears a lot but with the accent it doesn't seem as bad somehow.

Just before 1pm Jeanne and I met at the polo club and then scooter down to Sainte Tropez (about a ten minute scooter ride from the club). We had lunch at a cute little outdoor cafe - panninis and fries - then swam in the water a bit after. Jeanne is really quite funny and just says whatever she is thinking whether it is polite or not. We people-watched for a while on the sand and then scootered over for ice cream cones at Barbarac's. After finishing our ice cream we got half-hour massages by a lady at one of the restaurants next to the one where we had had lunch. The lady was very good and gave an amazing body massage.

After Jeanne dropped me at the club I helped Caroline with the horses and then motorcycled home with her (Caro). As I am leaving for Italy tomorrow it was necessary to leave the scooter at the polo so Caroline can arrange to have it taken home with her. After dropping off Misha (the dog - she rides in the motorcycle basket with us). we drove down to Port Grimaud for a pizza dinner and dessert. The port was only 5 minute ride from our house - (definitely wish I had had a chance to go before tonight) - and perfectly quaint. Kind of reminded me of Second Street - not so much looks - but friendly, comfortable atmosphere and presence of the town and people.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Port Grimaud Port Grimaud
Port Grimaud

The bride and the entrance to the port town

29th July 2008

Cute place
Hi baby girl What an adorable place I can see why you would want to stay for awhile. Jen seems nice and sounds like alot of fun how nice. I am giving your blog to Dorothy she would like to see where you have been and where you are going.... So hopefully she will write you. We are planning a trip to see Davis for Kayla and maybe Berkley only so many days so we will see... Have to leave Breeana and Meg home to look after the animals etc so Dad , Kayla and I will just go Ill let you know. Cant wait to see pictures from Italy TA TA for now KISSES MOM
30th July 2008

Port Grimaud
First - love the pool. Looks like a lap pool - Kim's dream- just swim laps forever! I love Port Grimaud. I see why you would want to spend more time there. Wonder how the buildings last with the water so close? Yor friend Jeanne is attractive and sounds like fun. And now, on to Italy. More friends to make and places to see and food to try. Go to the little Trattoria's in Italy - they are kind of like our coffee shops I understand. More reasonable and owner run, etc. I'm going to check to see if I missed any blog entries while Brooks was here. I swear, summer is my busiest time. Did your mom tell you about Brooks' car. New but no amenities - stick shift, manual windows, etc. I guess it has a radio and hopefully air conditioning! Have a great time in Italy. I love you.
31st July 2008

Hey Kerissa..... miss you so much!!!! Jeez that pool is realy pretty!!! Wish i could have swam in it!!! Hope it Felt nice and refreshing!!! LOL!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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