McDo, Horcruxes and Hair

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January 8th 2011
Published: January 8th 2011
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Not much happened yesterday because of the persistent rain we've had so I decided a blog would have been boring. SOmething kind of important happened though....Marissa and I used my almost superhero like sense of navigation to venture farther than we have before to talk with our advisor here in France about what needed to be done before the start of the semester. We took the bus down to the city center and caught the tram to the other campus. There we met with our advisor's secretary who was so incredibly nice to us. She gave us clear instructions on what we needed to get done which made me feel loads better about what the heck I was gunna do with myself for the next week or so. (I need structure). Anways, after that Marissa and I headed back towards the university but stopping at the supermarket to get more food and a pre-made sandwich for dinner. Ummm yea that sandwich tasted like toe jam. So then I skyped with Clay and Lanie who were both looking very sexy, then I read until the wee hours of the morning. I wanted to stop earlier but was way too engrossed in the tale of Harry Potter as he tried to save the world from ol' Voldemort (which in case you were unaware is a French word Vol-de-Mort. It means flight from death (J.K. Rowling is a French teacher!))

So after yesterday's mediocrity, Marissa and I set out yet again on another quest. Today's quest was to open a bank account and get a money order (called a mandat cash) before our ISEP meeting on the 13th. I was hesitant to go because I wasn't sure if anything would even be open today since the French love free time and it happened to be Saturday. Well we decided to walk and set out at 11am and were quite successful. We had looked up the closest Post Office and it was about a 20 minute walk from the dorms although a lot less because Marissa walks like I run (I have short legs). After getting to the Post Office we waited in line and got our Mandat Cash for 200 euros (don't worry...I love to see someone try and steal from me....) and headed out back the way we came in search of a bank still open. We happened upon one called CIC or possibly CLC (not really sure) and went inside to ask if it was still possible to open an account on a Saturday 15 minutes before they closed (whoops!) As it turns out you have to make an appointment for that kind of stuff so we had one made for next Tuesday at 13h30 after our meeting to sign up for classes at 11h. Let's hope we make it....Once we completed all of the work we could on a weekend we decided we wanted to empty our trash which sounds a lot easier than it really is. No one told us where this was supposed to happen and I was completely okay with dumping it out my window but figured I might get in trouble for that. We had seen some trash bins around the side of the buildings so we just decided that that was where we were supposed to put our trash (le refus) and left it at that. Marissa suggested we go back to Nice Etoile to search for a ket chain (called a porte-cle) for me since I had been complaining about not having one for my room key so we headed there once the trash was taken care of.

Today has been our first semi-sunny day since we got here. It's really quite warm here and I was really surprised to see everyone but me walking around expecting a snow storm. I know I looked mildly insane walking down the boulevard with a polo on and everyone else in mittens and hats but seriously it was not cold and I would be the first to say it was. These Nicians (Nicoises) would die if they ever came to Virginia. I finally found a decent key chain that wasn't gay looking or English in theme at a super French place called <<Accessorize>>. Marissa and I were both dying of hunger (there's a colloquial term for this is French which in English translates to hunger of a wolf <<faim du loup>>😉 and we decided to see what French McDonald's were like. Umm wow. The French really like crappy food for being renowned for having the best food in the world. The lines for the register were insane and they had a lady going around getting people's order from a small handheld machine so that by the time you got to the counter your food would be ready. The French shorten the name of McDonald's into McDo and it's even on the screen at the counter which says <<Bienvenue a McDo>>. Marissa and I both got Happy Meals because 1. they didn't have a dollar (or in this case euro) menu and 2. everything else was really freakin' expensive. The Happy Meal was 4 euros and everything else was around 7 or 8 euros. If you calculate it, that means the French pay over $10 for obesity in a bag. We sat down to eat and I again came in contact with the mayonnaise and fries thing (yuck). My drink didn't have any ice in it but that wasn't so terribly bad. haha

Marissa and I made our way back to the bus stop (oh I forgot to mention that I bought a pair of faybans (fake raybans (sunglasses))). We went back to our respective rooms and I sat down to finish the compelling story of Harry Potter and how he kicked evil's butt. Very intriguing read even though I already know the story. Now I think I will move on to "Water for Elephants" which my favorite cousin gave me (Donna). Now though I plan to embark on a different and grosser task. I plan to clean my bathroom properly because (sorry Aunt Rosie) there is a lot of hair in the dark corners of my bathroom that do not belong to me. haha So on that note wish me luck!


9th January 2011

Nice Blog!
Hi Debbie, You have me hooked on reading your blog... uhm, it's been 2.5 days since your last entry, how long are you going to keep us in suspense? While I'm nagging, we would like to see some pictures too. Have you had time to figure out the camera's software? J and I will try and skype with you this afternoon (EST) in between running errands. Great job writting, you should re-consider your major and maybe become a travel blog writer! Love, -Mike
9th January 2011

blog writing
I have to agree with mike. I have giggled and learned french all in a few paragraphs merde! Keep up the good work. Love you michelle

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