Happy Groundhog Day!

Published: February 2nd 2006
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This week has been pretty uneventful so far. Classes are going well- Romanesque and Gothic is becoming more interesting. I almost moved up into a higher French oral class, but decided for once I won't be an over-achiever. (*gasp!*) I had coffee with the archaeology professor yesterday at a cafe on the Place de Hotel Ville and he gave me all kinds of articles on roman remains here in southern France. I might go with the archaeology class to Arles and St. Remy, but I have to see if there will be room on the bus. History is still slowly draining away my life-force. I've decided to either write the great American novel during classtime, or plan the perfect murder as activities to preserve my sanity.

Oh I got some pants and T-shirts at the Gap for a steal- hooray for nation-wide clearance sales! I have also decided to take on the ambitious goal of reading the classics of world literature preserved in the fine IAU library. I'm starting at A so right now I'm reading Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, Ohio". Good book. Next up in Angelou and Assimov. I was going to read Gibbon's the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, but sweet jesus it's three volumes! I ain't that bored on the weekends! So that one I'll save for when I break both legs and am in traction for two months.

Tonight I have some kind of fete with Arlette at the Musee Granet. Not really sure what it's about (the invitation was all in French). Hopefully it will be a hopping good time. Full report tomorrow!

PS- Somebody let me know if Phil saw his shadow or not! The folk lore over here is that this area only has four cold fronts, and then spring comes. And that whopper storm last weekend was apparently the fourth... so you do the math!


2nd February 2006

Hey Sarah!! SO i just got the link for your blogand read all your entries! It sounds like you are having fun! Is the Molly you talk about an american from Fairfield? Because I heard that Molly Flanaghan was studying abroad there too from Amy (one of Kelly Anne's friends). Anywho, glad to hear all is well! Amanda bought our plane tickets the other day, so we are definitely coming! Found any good places to stay?? You should also send me your address!! :) Ok girl, gots to get ready for the day! Miss you! Mangia un croque-monsier pour moi et un crossiant chocolate. Mes favorites!

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