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November 28th 2008
Published: November 28th 2008
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Hello! I'm actually at school right now but I found out that my first period class is not having class because the teacher never showed up, that happens a lot here actually. So I thought while I had the time I would write in here. Well I have been doing really good. I know everyone probably wondered what I was doing for Thanksgiving seems how that is just an American holiday. Well, it ended up being a really good Thanksgiving. My first host mom came over to my 2nd host family's house and we all had a "Thanksgiving" dinner. Funniest thing about that.. they had no idea what corn on the cob was but the host mom and I found it in the store and they decided they would try it for me. Its strange because for me I always eat corn warmed up but they always eat it cold so boiling corn on the cob was a bit strange for them. My host sister really didnt like it but the rest of them seemed to like it. We had a bunch of "normal" thanksgiving things with a bit of French cuisine thrown in haha. I hope to get some pictures of that night up here soon. Well I finally sat down and wrote everything that I'm doing this year in my calender. It is crazy just how fast this year is going by! I lovvvvveee France! there is always soo much to do and so many places to go and so many people to meet its just great! For the Chritmas holidays i'm doing so many things! First off i'm going to Disney Land!!!!!! I'm so excited because I get to go with Cindy and it is like the first day of my Christmas vacation. Then i'm going to PARISSSSS!!! I can not wait for that I can't even imagine what Paris will be like with all lit up for Christmas!! then I might be going to England! Just so many things i'm going to be doing and I know this will be one Christmas vacation I will not forget! I also am probably moving in with Cindy for some of January so I know that will be soo much fun living with one of my friends. =)
Tonight i'm going to watch a basketball game with the little host brother and host dad. Its funny that before I would have never thought about going to a basketball game but just because its in France i'm all for it haha. Tommorow i'm going folk dancing again!! Next weekend i'm going somewhere with my host family to meet their friends and stay there for the weekend. It is close to a big town so i'm sure I will get to go shopping and see all the Christmas lights and things in that town too. =) I'm just having such a wonderful time and now that I actually can pick up on conversations it is getting a lot easier to communicate with people! =) I just am soo happy to be here!!!!


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