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November 18th 2008
Published: November 18th 2008
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hey everyone..
I hope you enjoyed the pictures I put up a few days ago. And yes mom I know I looked very silly in my plaid pants and plaid shirt but I like them both, just not wearing them at the same time because it looks so weird haha. Anyway... Folk dancing was fun again but this time the people never explained the dances before so no one really knew how to do the dances so people just kept running into people and it just was not as good as the first time I went because that time I actually learned how to do the dancing because a lot of people knew how to do them. But I still would love to go again and hopefully learn more dances! Last night I went to the pool and swam laps and went in to wave pool for like 2 hours so that was really fun. Latley I have been riding horses, swimming, going for walks, going to the beach (even though it is very cold!), and of course going to school. Everything is starting to feel like Christmas is comming just around the corner and in someways it is but it does seem a little too soon for all the decorations in the stores and things... I mean Thanksgiving has not even passed yet, speaking of which! I want to make my host family some kind of a thankgiving dinner so I need ideas! Emails or comments would be great! =)) Tonight i'm going to the movies with Cindy and Marie-José so that should be a good time and then this week I really don't know what the plan is yet but I know it will be fun =) So time is flying so fast this year! Even my friends back home think it is and I just know this year is going to be over before I know it so I'm just trying my best to make each day the best it can possibly be =) I really enjoy getting e-mails and letters from all of you so keep them comming!


19th November 2008

Hello from Oran
Kaitlynn, do you have snow in the area you are in? We are getting our second snowfall here in Oran for the year, quite light 2 to 3 inches of light snow the last one was when we were in Seattle so we missed it. Grandma Greenough's Rolls, Pumpkin Pie, Turkey, Squash, Cranberry's if you need any recipe's and if the items are available let us know. We can provide any you need it might be late to send the food items to you especially a turkey. Keep enjoying the days and learning as much as you can of the culture and ways of the families you are living with. We enjoy your postings. ( I don't know what your mom has against the two Plaids they look well "Original" in taste.) Bob and Sharon

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