Vive le Canada!

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Europe » France » Île-de-France
May 13th 2012
Published: May 13th 2012
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I'm so burnt.

And have a massive headache.

But I have forty new friends and I'm very thankful for that

It's mothers day in Canada so I would like to give a shout out to the greatest mom in the world. Love you mom! (but I'm not toning down this blog, sorry)

The guys would also like to give shout outs to the moms on this trip. Lori, Cindy, Tracy, and Angela... You guys rock!

We got destroyed at the Eiffel tower park last night.

Yes the T's jerseys and hats were on

The Aussies don't seem to understand the glory behind this dynasty of a squad. But they all want to come to Canada now and watch us play.... I'm sure they would be impressed. *warms up my platinum dangling hands*

Also they think Canadian slang sounds gay. Stick handling, dangles, finesse, and angel princess for Brody.

Sang oh Canada proudly.

I got soaked due to a premature champagne pop

Also the Eiffel tower is even more amazing at night.

Everything seems to be a competition between Australia and Canada.

The chugging lager belt still reigns in Melbourne but the champagne and bitter beer skulling belts are in 403 hands.

Steve and I were lost in paris after we went to the arc de triumph. We needed a tomtom, or more appropriatley a mikemike.

Steve tried to pickpocket Brody and almost ended up takingone of his stone hands to the face. #inlinehockeyjoke

Hash tags in blogs are so lame

Btw thanks for the tweets guys! Im glad your enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it.

We're going to a cabaret show tonight. It's costing 77€. Buuuuuuut there are topless girls there sooooooo really..... It's like sitting at perv row for half hour.

Made a lotus joke. No one lol'd

I'm outta here though. Gotta find me some aloe.

Peace out red deer!



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