3 Days in Paris

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May 1st 2009
Published: May 4th 2009
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Phase 1 of our holiday is over and phase 2 begins.

Pete drove most of the way from Holland and got us to Paris safely.Hotel de la Jatte looks perfect.Dropped the bags and off we went.

In the next 3 days we crammed in the following not necessarily in this order...
Numerous trips on the metro and buses...so easy
2 trips to the Eiffel Tower.
Evening cruise along the River Sienne
Climbed the Monteparnesse Tower for the very best view of Paris...line for the Eiffel too long.
Ran across the road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe. Lucky to survive.
Trip to Chateau de Versailles...should be named Place of many queues!
Dinner in the Latin Quarter twice. Cheap,good meals here for the many students who live here.
Over to the Sacre Couer and the Artist square called Place Du Tetre
Inside the Notre Dame..truly beautiful.
Up 284 stairs of spiral staircase to the top of The Arc de Triomphe.(But worth it!)
Down 284 stairs.(had no choice)
Ate several baguettes.
Drank many cafe au laits
Dodging many black characters wanting to sell crappy souvenirs to gullible tourists.
Walked from the Sienne to the Trocodero.
Walked from Port de Neuilly to Ile de la jatte.
Walked the Champs Elysee to the Latin Quarter.
Walked, walked, walked.
Met many interesting characters. French people on the whole very helpful.
Ended with a private evening tour of Paris in a blue Peugeot suspiciously doing many laps of the Champs Elysee.

This is a quick version of our 3 days in Gay Paris. It is a wonderful place to visit and we were lucky to share it with Hennie and Annemieke who made it tuly memorable.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


4th May 2009

we will never forget
It was big fun everyday and lost 20 pounds. Take care with you're crappy bling-bling souvenir. It was a piece of cookie ! "The driver of the Blue Peugeot"
5th May 2009

Drive of Blue Peugeot
I have flown 3 "missions" over Riveria. My hat goes off to your bravery!!!

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