A Day in Prague

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October 7th 2015
Published: December 20th 2015
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vishal kawatra prague astronomical clockvishal kawatra prague astronomical clockvishal kawatra prague astronomical clock

The mesmerizing astronomical clock at Old Town Square , Czech Rep. - Vishal Kawatra
I have to admit , I was in awe when I first saw it. The astronomical clock in Old Town Square is a majestic piece of art and history. It is a piece of work that demonstrates cultural diversity, creativity and ingenuity that is fortunately shared with the rest of the world.

On the day of my visit the square was, it was lit up. Hundreds of people were jamming to the music from the numerous bands playing all day. It was a pleasant sunny afternoon with children running around and the smell of tasty dishes every where.

In the evening we went on the ferry that runs up and down the river. It was a beautiful blend of colors. The sun was not completely down but yet the evening was making its presence known. The building along side the river beamed its lights on the river

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 prague Vishal Kawatra prague Vishal Kawatra
prague Vishal Kawatra

Castle back ground river - Vishal Kawatra
coffee  Vishal Kawatracoffee  Vishal Kawatra
coffee Vishal Kawatra

Old Town Square Best Coffee Shop
vishal kawatra prague river eveningvishal kawatra prague river evening
vishal kawatra prague river evening

A beautiful evening, dining in a ferry on the Vltava river . - Vishal kawatra

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