
Published: May 31st 2005
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forgot to say the other day - but i cut my hair!! i got sick of having a slightly mullet style because it had grown too much so i decided to give myself a haricut. dowsn't look too bad - not too short or anything drastic. i have to put stuff in it to make it have the messy look - to disguise the mistakes!! i was going along fine until i started trying to do the layers - not too even there miss aliss! it's ok though - much better than before. now, here in cesky krumlov i've been up to - nothing much!! it's a very relaxing place and spent about 4 hours sitting by the river and going for a swim every now and then. actually, no i didn't swim - i only went in up to my knees because the water is freezing!!! it's very refreshing especially because it's been really hot. today is not so good though. very cloudy 😞 still warm, but not the blue sky of the last week or so. oh well, what can you do. the change over happened today - so more new friends. nearly everyone left that has been here
cesky krumlovcesky krumlovcesky krumlov

rafting on the vlatva river - that's not me in the picture!!
the last couple of days - and the new people arrived. i already knew a few from prague, so it's all good. better do something with the day - considering it's already after 1pm and i haven't done anything productive. hmmmm what should i do? oh - lunch. good idea. after lunch - i think i'll walk down to the shops and buy my cesky present. i'm trying to buy something to keep in each city. i've done ok so far. i only thought of it in amsterdam so didn't get anything from paris or brugge yet. so far i have a bright blue beaded bracelet that i wear all the time from a market in amsterdam, from berlin i got a little wooden dolphin to add to the collection, dresden - nothing coz i forgot, prague i got..... something, but i can't remember what!! how bad is that. oh well, i'll let you know another time. i need a new pen - maybe that'll be my cesky thing.


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