Astronomical Clock

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
July 7th 2008
Published: July 7th 2008
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1: Astronomical Clock 51 secs
Today we woke up to a rainy day in Prague but not to worry. Donned our LSU yellow panchos and ventured out into the sightseeing of Prague. Well, as all of you LSU fans may know, these panchos are designed to look straight ahead at the game before you and does not allow for any peripherial vision. That said, we had to turn our entire bodies to look for cars, trains, trams busses or each other. We got a lot of stares because everyone else was in clear panchos (thus, remedying the peripherial vision problem).

Our first visit was to the Astronomical Clock. Called "the Orloj", it was originally constucted in i1410 to mark the phases of the moon, the equinoxes, the seasons, the days, and numerous Christian holidays. On the hour, the skeletal death empties his hourglass and a procession of apostles march by.

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