Prague Czech Republic

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
July 5th 2008
Published: July 5th 2008
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I'm over Prague already, the place smells and it's dirty. Not much information in English on the metro, the ticket machines are tricky. Getting around without getting lost takes a bit of doing. But, the beer and the food is good, and cheaper than elsewhere. The hostel is a dump, the shower head is falling off the wall, it's none too clean, and impossible to sleep because a door was slamming all night. I wedged it open as soon as I got up, like derrrr, how hard was that to work out FFS! To put it mildly, I can't wait for the train tomorrow to Berlin, I've had enough! I cannot upload any pics from here either, the computers are locked into cabinets, that way the cheap bastards don't have any upload charges. This hostel sucks big-time.


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