Blogs from East, Bulgaria, Europe - page 2


Europe » Bulgaria » East August 27th 2010

I can't believe how lomg it is since I last wrote. Just goes to show how busy life has been.Seven weeks of hot sun has enabled the corn to ripen (embarrassingly)well and the tomatoes to finish early.However cucs and melons still struggling on.Even sleeping outside has its problems ,relief from the night time temps 20-23 Deg BUT being chewed alive by the latest addition at 24 - the chocky monster.(12 week old pup from Scruffy) whose brother William still resides at M+G's. Have forgotten the joys of young children,lift if breakable, remove all shoes and other interestingly chewy objects etc.! He is however a great distraction from life's chores and most especially a project for Sam who is holidaying here with Stu.I am enjoying getting to the beach and sunbathing on the terrace with pool(s) instead ... read more
insulation 2

Europe » Bulgaria » East July 5th 2009

Saa er vi taget tul Bulgarien, og her er bare skoent. Dog startede det med en 28,5 times togtur, hvilket var meget haardt. Vi startede med at tage fra Graekenland mod Sofia som er Bulgariens hovedstad. Vi tog et nattog, hvor vi fik en sovekupe (Saa vi har proevet at sove i en sovekupe nu ;-)) Desvaerre var der ikke mindre end 2 paskontroller, hvoraf den ene tog 1 time! Dette var ret ubehageligt, da det skete klokken 3 om natten, saa vi fik ikke meget mere end et par timers soevn. Da vi endelig kom til Sofia, var toget 2 timer forsinket, saa vi missede vores tog til Burgas. Heldigvis gik der et andet tog 1 1/2 time senere. Vi kom ombord paa toget og begyndte at koere mod Burgas. Toget var af aeldre dato ... read more
Mod Burgas
Endelig paa hotellet

Europe » Bulgaria » East June 3rd 2009

In order to save a few bob, a friend and I decided to fly via to Sofia on the East coast of Bulgaria and then take a 7.5 hour coach journey across Bulgaria to Sunny Beach (A.K.A Slanchev Bryag). This proved a huge success and meant that we got to see Sofia the capital city. Little time was spent here as our final destination was awaiting our arrival where we would line the fridge with beers for the arrival of the rest of our group of friends. Now when you hear the name sunny beach, you get what you pay for as the weather was scorching which led to sunburn on the very first day! We spent the first official day soaking the rays on the northern parts of Sunny beach, near to the touristic center. ... read more
A strangely designed table covered with bulgarian papers
Our Appartment dining room
The strange sink

Europe » Bulgaria » East July 7th 2008

The 28th of June, 2008 8:44 AM Somewhere over Bulgarıa I´ve gıt fırty fıve mınutes tıll the plane´s expected arrıval ın Istanbul, so I´d thought I´d copy out some Turkısh words and phrases I'll be usıng İyi günler- Good dayHello Adimiz he- What´s your name? Benım Adım- My name Merhaba-hello Nasılısmız-How are you Teşekür ederim- Thank you Bende Ben- I Memnun Oldum- Pleased to meet you Nerden geliyorsunuz-where do you come from? Amerıcádan gellyorum- I come from Amerıca Bukın-Who ıs thıs? Çabuk-Quıck, quıckly Bey- Mıster Hanın-Ms, Mrs. Baba- father Anne-mother Lüften-please Yaz-wrıte Mektupyaz-wrıte a letter sağol-thank you valız-suıtcase Valızherde-where ıs the suıtcase Bıllet-tıcket Saat-Tıme, hour Akşam-evenıng oğgle-mıday Para-money Bırşeydeğıl-you´re welcome Efendım- sır Kalem-Pen Oda-room Okul-school Kıtap-book Küçük-small, lıttle büyük-bıg, lar... read more

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