Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 144


Misty Bridges,….visions of the sweaty clamouring heaving silicone of a budding porn queen….no, rather the engineering/meteorological interface phenomenon suffered by early risers on a stormy day, the tourista cop, maybe, and the parallel travellers come back to haunt me. Finally it had rained in Panama after threatening for weeks, or maybe I brought it back to P City from Colon (don’t mention the irrigation) after the transit. Whatever brought it on, it worked, so I left early and went West, funny set-up, but Panama actually runs East - West, not North - South as you would think!…I only discovered this as we went up the canal, at one stage I glanced at the compass, we were heading WNW, I nearly stopped drinking!, but they assured me with another can that all was well, but it still ... read more
The one that Didn't get Away
This Bike will go Anywhere!
where the kids swim

What a relief to get out of the city! After 4 days in the heat and humidity of the coast, the cool mountain air of El Valle is a very welcome change. We´re only 96km from Panama City but we could be in another world. El Valle is a bit like Shangri La: a beautiful, prosperous little village set among lush green mountains where everything seems to be just about perfect. It´s barely more than one main street with a few roads leading off either side. The neat, tidy houses are all painted bright colours and flowers of all sorts, especially bougainvillea, orchids and hibiscus, grow in abundance all around. All the houses have well-tended, flower-filled gardens so the whole place reminds me of an English village in high summer. It´s very quiet too (apart from ... read more
La India Dormida
El Macho waterfall
Local wildlife

Well after being deprived for 2 months we jumped at the chance of movie watching and 1st world shopping centres! I know ...sad! But hey we loved our 4 days here. We arrived in that tiny 16 seater plane (after a fantastically scenic 1 hour flight from Bocas) to our hotel transport waiting for us. Love being organised! Daniel at the hostel at Bocas had given us the name of a cheap but decent hotel that very conviniently offered free transfer from the airport. Our first walk around to orientate us took us to the promanade along the sea and past the marina. It reminded us so much of Durban back home...a lovely long paved path along the coast with the highway running paralell (my spelling has gone to pot! I am sure that doesn´t quiet ... read more
Shop ´´til you drop!
Local bus
Panama city sky line

The journey from Santo Domingo to Panama City was long-winded (I had 7 fun-packed hours at Miami International airport) but pretty straightforward. Having been picked up from the guesthouse at 4.30am, I eventually arrived at Tocumen airport at 8pm so I was very glad to find that it was as easy to get a taxi into the city as all the guidebooks said it would be. Tocumen is about 20 minutes East of Panama City and the contrast with Santo Domingo was apparent from the get-go. Gone was the relaxed, caribbean vibe and attitude to driving, replaced with what seemed to me a more ´western´ approach. For a start, the taxi was in one piece and for seconds, the driver managed the entire journey without once honking his horn or cutting somebody up. The Hotel Marparaiso ... read more
View of San Felipe from Ancon
Ship passing through the Miraflores Locks
San Felipe

After a very confusing border crossing (we even had to help some Costa Rican nuns and a Dutch surfer, and we got help from an Iranian-American who lives in Costa Rica!) and a nine hour bus ride, we are now in Panama! We were on a through bus from San Jose CR to David, Panama, but still had to walk a quarter mile along the muddy, rutted Pan-American Highway between to Costa Rican border check point and the Panamanian check point. The Panamanians had a number of hoops for us to jump through: passports, entry card, proof of onward travel, luggage inspection, tourist card....these were all in different places and no one told you where to go the middle of it, we were trying to get our bags inspected, but couldn't because we hadn't gotten ... read more
On the bus from David to Boquete
Hotel Panamonte
Hotel Panamonte

After about five hours of 'sleep' on the rock-bottom hard floor of the airport I woke up with a pattern on my cheek that strangely resembled the floor tiling...and now in daylight dared to take the city bus downtown to Panama City. My first feeling of Central America was rather nice. Didn't seem to dangerous, friendly and helpful people. I stayed at a 'testigos de jehova' youth hostel. For the planed ship passage from the US back to Germany I was hunting for a US Visa. So I gave the US Consulate near the Canal a go. What a fortress. Situated on a hill, surounded by barbed wire and build like a prison! And no help available. Information via phone: pay money first. Appointment to clarify the visa issue or to apply: pay money first. Waiting ... read more
New Panama
House in Old Panama
Palace Tower

Hello!! This time I'm writing from Panama City! I came down here to meet up with Libi, a friend who's sailing through the carribean, and then to Galapagos. On an italian sailingboat. Sorry, yacht. It was perfect to meet up in Panama, and I had the chance to come with for the crossing of the Panama canal!!! This was an amazing experience, just see my pictures and you understand. I can't believe I'm here... I have also added some pictures from the island in the previous entry. Enjoy!! About coming back to Sweden, everyone is asking so I should answer something... I don't know when!! Right now I'm having a great time and will probably extend my ticket (surprise..). My plan is no plan, and I'm looking for other volunteering and work possibilites. And no, I ... read more
Enough water on the boat...
Heavy clouds
The locks closing behind us

yes, we have more bananas. and what else do we have?? no more pale skin,, that's for sure.. and, it's not tanned, it's bright RED. we are two red barons, lobsters, red-danger, rødstrømper, call it whatever you like, we are toasted. Bocas del Toro was wonderful, and panama city is nice, but rainy, and the busses are crazy here, no traffic rules, whoever comes first just honks their horn and goes... ... read more
at the beach
sunny afternoon(resulted in a heavy BURN!)
panama kanalen

Unfortunatly we left the beach without me learning how to surf properly, but I will definitly be giving it another try. We spent an uneventful night in San Jose on the way across to Carribean side of Costa Rica, most of the worlds bananas are grow here and man there were millions of them. A short walk across a very rickety bridge and we were in to Panama. Bocas del Toro is a small town on a group of islands just off the East coast of Panama and it took us about 20mins in a water taxi to get there. The boat ride took us through Mangoves and coastal canels, quite a cool ride. We arrived in town to the usual welcome of many people trying to get us to follow them to all kinds of ... read more
Mondo Taitu
Bocas Del Toro

Or is that……died in the wool…..some kinky kiwi sexual asphyxiation fetish….and what inspired that thought?…..I'm just recovering from the 15 can transit, yes, I’ve pulled it off, right thru’ the far canal in a yacht! Where were we?…..I think leaving Bogota was last up, I’m still trying to summarise the last 6 months in south America, so hard to get my thoughts aligned, so much was there. So, back in panama last Thursday week?, 12 noon, 34 degrees and 110% humidity and drenched in sweat, love it!!….cab to the freight airport and after walking back and forwards, officina, quarantino, aduanas, polizias, officina….sounds like the start of a new song, put the mirrors on and drive free, 28 kms to town, find my way surprisingly easily and in my room at the hotel Marbella by 3pm. And ... read more
Rae and I at the start..
it was coming right at me..
Captain and Mate

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