Blogs from Panamá, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 46


Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City October 2nd 2007

A group of some of my favorite people on the ship were suppose to get off the boat yesterday night, and spend 5 days away in the jungle and on an island. Their bags were packed, and they were all crammed down on the last deck of the ship. They all waited vigorously for the doors to open, to taste freedom, to step on land. Two hours of patience all for nothing, but small puddles of sweat and stress. Rough seas prevented anyone from leaving. So I got one more night with them. We all laid in one of the fortunate larger rooms of the ship, and watched fight club. As for me I attempted to watch fight club, but because I often suffer from narcolepsy I passed out during the first 30 minutes of the ... read more

A few days ago we had a hunger banquet onboard the ship. And I realize that it doesn’t make much sense to have a hunger banquet on board a ship that’s already pre-purchased all of its food. However, the concept behind the banquet made it worthwhile attending. Everyone was given a piece of paper with a colored dot on it. Depending on the dot you received depending on your social status. The upper class people were able to eat as much as they wanted and order as many times as they wanted. The middle class could eat as much as they wanted of rice and beans, and the lower classes were only allowed to go up once and get rice. I was in the middle class, but we all had the option to resign our title ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 28th 2007

Believe it or not, we are just about beached out. So we said ¨Adios¨ to one of the best Caribbean beaches we´ve ever seen and road down to Panama City. Panama City is as metropolitan as Central America gets, which means there are skyscrapers, casinos, nightclubs, malls, movie theatres, and huge grocery stores full of goodies. There is also big-city transportation, which means better chicken buses decked out with not only amazingly detailed paint jobs, but also flashing black lights and bumping sound systems. Rock on. Trevor also spotted nitrous BMX bikes - the same stuff used in rocket motors. All the better to speed through traffic. The Casco Antiguo part of town is the former city center and now a Unesco World Heritage Site. It´s a lot like Viejo San Juan in Puerto Rico or ... read more
Did i hear a niner in there?
The real deal
Old Panama City

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 17th 2007

Welcome to the US, well it may as well be. It seems Panama City is a spin off of some dodgy American city. Highrises, mcdonalds on every corner, not what I was expecting. After a gruelling mission of flights with broken entertainment systems and every meal full of cheese I finally made it here on my second trip. Stayed in Mamallena, one of the few real hostels in Panama city. Day 2, after a mamouth night´s sleep, I head to the old town. This is more like it, colonial buildings about to fall down, jutting out into the Pacific. Dangerous area so an armed guard keeps a close watch on me at all times. It´s sweltering heat so my attempt to walk all the way back to the hostel is short lived and I get a ... read more
Panama Old Town
Neglected old town!
Ship enters the lock...

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 14th 2007

This is our 12th day in Panama. Yesterday was the end of our first week of school. This week we walked at least 22 miles, since we walk to and from school four days each week, we walk to the grocery store, to the movies and everywhere else. If you are one of my students and you are reading this, know that my admiration of your courage in meeting the challenges of a new culture has grown. My Spanish vocabulary is hundreds of words now, but when I need just one of those words to order a meal, answer a question or ask for directions my head becomes empty. After one week I can recognise a word or two on TV, or in an overheard conversation. Mi esposo (Doug) is doing much better than I am. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 12th 2007

Here we are in Panama city with some new experiences and adventure behind us once again. We managed our 4 hour trek through what was described as one of the most scenic treks in central america. It was a beautiful area but not being too negative there was no wildlife at all. Not really what i expected. I least expected to see a variety of birds, spiders and little lizards which are usually highly abundant, but no not alot. I did howebver get to spend more time with Emma (hello Mrs Saunders glad you found this...), Chris, Euan and Debbie, in what was a fantastic environment and was a reasonable trek. That night was to be my last night with any of the Raleigh crew as the following day we all go our own way. So ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 5th 2007

So we are still here, patiently waiting for our flight to peru tomorrow. We have occupied ourselves with things like going to the cinema, watching CSI, and not much else really. Panama City is incredibly difficult to navigate (unless you are prepared to pay for a taxi everywhere) and we get lost every time we try and take a bus somewhere. It kinds adds to the excirement though- We tried to find our way to the old town the other day, which by all accounts is a bit dodgy. The LP saya not to go at night, so we thought that if we stayed on the main streets we would be ok. We inadvertantly wandered of course however, and ended up in the didgy bit. I was starting to feel a little uneasy when a Policeman ... read more
Panama City
Panama City
Panama City

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City September 4th 2007

Panama City was a destination only because I wanted to transit the Canal from Pacific to Atlantic before it was changed forever by the expansion. Today, September 4, 2007, former President Carter pushed a button and blew up a mountain of dirt to make way for the creation of wider passages for SUPERships. I transited the Canal September 1, 2007. Enrolled in Spanish Panama for lessons because a Canadian is the director. The ‘home stay' was depressing. The lessons, for four hours a day, were given by three excellent teachers and much enjoyed. Have learned a lot which will stand me in good stead when I reach Colombia. The sheets and pillow I bought to make sleeping possible at the ‘home stay’ I will give to the woman who cleans my room. Do not like ... read more
A Wooden House in the Most Poor Area
Catedral Nacional
An Apartment Block in the Posh Area

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama Canal September 2nd 2007

Well here we are in Panama City, the last stop in Central America, the completion of the first leg of the journey, Ha to all of you that didn't think we'd make it this far! To get here we cheated a little, we opted for a one hour flight instead of a 11 hour bus journey but it was the smallest plane we'd ever flown on and Jo isn't great at flying at the best of times so it was still quite stressful. Because of this, once we landed we thought we better start 'hardcore' travelling again and got the bus from the airport to town instead of a taxi. This may not sound particularly impressive but you try lugging a heavy rucksack through sweating heat on packed ex- US school buses through a city you ... read more
the big ship
ship in panama canal

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama Canal September 1st 2007

My mission in Panama was to cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic via the Panama Canal. I was joined by my friends, Minnie and Paul from Australia and Karen and Will, the leaders of the Expedition from Alaska to Brazil. We all anticipated an historic adventure. This is as much a pictoral depiction of my transit as it is a textual one ..... and these 28 photos were gleaned from almost 300!! To begin ... a bit of history: “Since 1510 a route across the isthmus of Panama has been considered. In 1534 King Carlos IV of Spain ordered topographical maps in the hope of being able to build a canal thru the 80 km of isthmus. Three hundred years later tin 1879 the Frenchman Ferdinand Lesseps became interested in the idea of a ... read more
Minnie and Paul
Karen and Will
Marty is on the Bridge

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