
Published: July 7th 2005
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sick sick sick!
Slow days in Panama. Last night, and the night before that, Brad had a bad fever, shivers and muscle pain....he sweat so much we had to wring his t-shirt out this morning!! Spent the night worried changing cold wet towels on his hot forehead. Please pray for him, don't know if it's a bacteria from all that tapwater we've been gulping or a nasty mosquito bite...

In between long stints in the hotel-room trying to recover watching Alf and Magnum dubbed to Espanish (no wonder Brad's sick!), we've done hours of cruising round town on public transport..old American school buses covered in graffiti-like murals and everything from Bible verses to old girlfriends' names adorning thier windshields...not to mention the loud loud cumbia, reggaeton and salsa hits pumping the whole way... Roligt. Yesterday, we were trying to get to Los Pueblos, one of the big malls, but silly us...we took the bus with the Los Pueblos sign on it instead of the one with Tocuman and ended up out in the suburbs about an hour from town, surrounded the whole way by Panameños singing along to the busdriver's selection of hits.

As for photos..not much. We could add some snaps of the four walls of the hotel room and Brad's sweaty t-shirt, but we'll save the space for later.

Ah, if anyone knows anything about Cristina Ng de Gracia, she with the big hair, we're trying to get in touch with her...she was gonna be our tour guide here but sillysara forgot her nr. at home in Uppsala....let us know ok.

To all of you who've found the guestbook thing (scroll down once you go full-text on one of our entries), keep the comments coming!! If you've sent a message instead of adding a comment, they don't get published, but cheers anyway!

love to all /b&s


7th July 2005

que vidita la tuya bichitos
oye que vidita la de ustedes es que mejor luna de miel che pa buscarla. manana ire a la casa para buscarte el telefono y te lo mandare por tu mail inmediatamente. besote y abrazotes que no lloren mucho por nosotros que nos van a aguantar el resto de sus vidas ahora a difrutar que la vida es un carnaval. anita jakobsson una calor pero de 30 a 35 grados nos asamos increible.
7th July 2005

Hejsan, hejsan.

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