El Subjuntivo

Published: January 1st 2007
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Flavia described past-perfect subjunctive as "the saddest of all the verb tenses because it's used to express regrets and missed opportunties".

These are the 2 most complicated sentences I've ever written in Spanish (I think they are correct).

Si no hubiera llovido,
habia visto los monos.

If it had not rained,
I would have seen the monkeys.

Si hubiera sido una gladiator americana,
no habia trabajado en IHOP.

If I had been an American Gladiator,
I would not have worked at IHOP.


1st January 2007

Correction to Spanish sentences
Hi! I know how difficult the subjunctive can be. Even native speakers don't get it right sometimes! If I may, I'll point out a slight mistake in the Spanish sentences: - Si no hubiera llovido, *habría* visto los monos. - Si hubiera sido una _gladiadora_ americana, no *habría* trabajado en IHOP. Regards, Ignacio Buenos Aires, Argentina http://web.fi.uba.ar/~perrico/
2nd January 2007

bueno pues
porque si no hubiera despertado, no habia respirado la niebla de la manana. es que te extrano bastante, janine! que te cuides.- arline
2nd January 2007

oh my gatos janine. what fun! what adventure!! thank you for writing your stories :)

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