san pedro

Published: November 26th 2007
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we left antigua around a quarter to one and made our way towards lake atitlan. luckily there was only three people on the bus so we could spread out and relax. every bus ride i take thru guatemala i amazed at the beauty of this country it almost doesnt seem real. me and mike were chatting away till in front of the bus was a pick up with the worst exhaust ever so when u are going up and down and around all these mountains believe me the last thing u wanna be breathing is exhuast fumes. but we finally made it to panajachel were i really needed to take a piss but the boat leaving to san pedro was about to leave so we hope on a 10 seater boat. i got soaked on the ride there but we finally made it went to our hostel while being hasseled by a drunk local who kept asking if we wanted weed. we went t the buddah bar for a beer then to zoola for dinner. zoola is a great place with good food very relaxed a blues band was plating and u can sit on the floor with pillows and just chill. we were there for a few hours then went back to the hostel and fell sleep it was freezing so i fell asleep in all my clothes and a fleece. today i have no idea what we are gonna be doing so ill keep u informed.


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