My 1st chicken bus ride

Published: January 19th 2008
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My what-was-to-become an "interesting" transportation experience in Guatemala was kicked off with a short ride in the city. Travel guide religiously recommended talking to the hotel about transportation. So that's what we did before heading to Zona 1 in the morning 12/18. The lady told us that the best way probably is take a public bus. We can walk ~5min to Avenida Reforma and get on bus#101.It's about Q2

On Avenida Reforma, we saw a few people standing on the sidewalk but there was no bus stop (or any sign, for that matter) in sight. It turns out, it doesn't exist. Every time a bus passed by, they were happy to take us any time.

After a few buses, #101 came by. On the bus, the bus staff consisted of 3 guys - 1 driver, 1 guy collecting fee and another guy calling people in and helping driver get through the traffic. 3rd guy seemed to be the key. He calls out the destination for people waiting for the buses at any random spots on the sidewalk. He also sticks hands/head out the bus to enable the bus to cut in front of other cars.

The bus was tore up school bus painted in red. It was so tore up that exposed plastic was eating into my back. Oh and yes, a chicken was on board with us. That was awesome - there you have it, my first ride on a "chicken bus"! He was wrapped up in a cloth and sitting in the back of a bus quietly.


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