Saying goodbye to Guatemala after all this time...

Published: June 17th 2008
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Photo taken at a final party at our house.
Wow, this blog posting is really difficult. It's time to say good-bye to Guatemala, after all this time. Tommorrow morning at 5:30am we leave our house to go to the airport. It's been a very busy and emotional day.

When I think about this year, there are some major themes that strike me as being so meaningful to me, and to our family.

The first is how wonderful the actual country of Guatemala is. Before we came here, we thought of Guatemala as some poor developing country that was stuck in a tragic history of poverty and civil war. And although the sad truth is that Guatemala is experiencing all the pains of a developing country, it has so much more to offer.

First and foremost, the people we have met during our time here have been nothing but wonderful. I actually cannot recall a single episode where we have encountered fear or safety concerns (besides the lack of any regulations to keep people safe, such as guardrails, seatbelts, or clean air/water standards!). Instead, our encounters with the people here have included lots of smiles and helpful suggestions, assistance with parking ("back a little, a little more!"), running after us with our ATM card left behind in the machine, a gentle reminder that a 100Q note (~$15 bill) was hanging out of my pocket and about to fall out, and the patience (and assistance) of a saint when trying to get out a complex Spanish sentence when my vocabulary wasn't quite up to it. There is also that charming custom of kissing every one you know on the cheek when you both meet and leave their presence, and conveys such warmth. (When we were in New Zealand I leaned over to kiss the cheek of an Aukland woman we had just met and she fairly recoiled in shock.)

Secondly, the actual country of Guatemala is incredible. I highly recommend anyone thinking of a great vacation to come down here and see the sights. There is so much to see and do, and perhaps this blog might serve as a list of great places to see when you come. The weather is spectacular, the scenery wild and not overdeveloped, and it's all contained in a land about 2/3 the size of the state of Washington.

Lastly, the culture is deep. The mixture (or sometimes, separation) of Spanish colonialism and ancient Mayan blood in the people make for a highly rich and textured culture. The people often dress in their indigenous clothing and it's authentic. They talk in ancient languages, all day, every day. There are all sorts of words used here amongst all Guatemalans that existed long before the Conquistadores came here in the early 1500's.

The Mayan and Catholic religions have also mixed in very interesting ways: indigenous parishoners in a Catholic church might cross themselves, but it's not "Father, Son and Holy Ghost," rather it's "North, South, East and West." Offerings are giving in a Catholic church but are Mayan: rum, cigarettes, flowers, candles.

On a separate note, I'm so proud of how our kids have handled this year. tThey've really fallen in love with Guatemala, and now speak beautiful Spanish. They converse easily with new people, and are able to imagine themselves doing all sorts of new things. They have seen extreme poverty but noticed the richness of the souls living in it. Best of all, the want to come back! So with our land purchase, we have a link back to Antigua and perhaps will build a place to share with our friends.

Checking out for now,


17th June 2008

The end of your trip--thanks for sharing!
Dear Sonja and Trautmans all--What a wonderful year you have had, and thanks for sharing it so eloquently (and with humor), Sonja. The pictures have been gorgeous and it has been great to hear about your incredible experiences. I've looked forward to every new adventure--it has taken me away from the mundane affairs of the everyday. Hope to hear from you upon your return. Bon voyage! Love, Eilene
19th June 2008

I'd have to second Eilene's comments. I've so enjoyed your blog. Scott and I and the kids have laughed numerous times over your descriptions. (Brendan was just telling a friend the other day about Lucas' fashion show appearance!) We're jealous of your year together and of course wish we could have made it down to visit. Hope to see you soon! Love, Kristin and crew

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