Blogs from Holguín, Este, Cuba, Central America Caribbean


Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Holguín November 24th 2015

Kuba 05. – 23 Nov. 2015 All rights of this blog reserved © Berhard Sonnleitner Tag 1: 05.11.2015 Ein langer Flugtag. Taxi von Wien zum Flughafen, Abflug verzögert wegen Nebels. 11:30 Abflug mit Austrian nach Toronto, super Service, sehr bequem. Nach 4 St. Aufenthalt Weiterflug mit Air Canada – ziemlich heruntergekommen. Ankunft am Flughafen in Havanna 21:45, Transferins Hotel Inglaterra am Parque Central. Mojito auf der Dachterrasse mit Blick aufs Capitolo, Stimmung kommt auf, bis auf die Qualität des warmen Mojito. Freitag, 06.11.2015 Havanna Vieja, die Altstadt: Hitze, Lärm, amerikanische Straßenkreuzer aus den 40er und 50er Jahren – teils liebevoll gepflegt und zur Touristenattraktion umgebaut, und Salsa von jeder Ecke dröhnend. Nette Lokale laden zwischen bedrohlich baufälligen altkolonialen Gebäude... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Holguín December 30th 2008

People always says that a visit to Cuba is similar to being transported back to another time period. This was most definitely true shortly after leaving the airport. As we made the one hour drive to our hotel, it was perfectly normal and common to see horse drawn buggies, individuals on horseback and many people waiting on the side of the road to hitchhike. Little did I know until this experience that oil is in short supply (much of it is imported from Venezuela) and individuals who do own cars (vintage Chevies and other American cars) are legally obligated to give passerbys a lift if there is space in their car. The newer air-conditioned buses (imported and made by the Chinese Yutong Corporation) were reserved for transporting tourists and the Peugots, Hyundais and Citroens were mostly ... read more
Cuban = popular
Guardalavaca beach
The Pilgrammage

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Holguín October 6th 2008

"Holguin!" bellowed the bus driver. Off the bus and negotiated the fare to our next casa. Once more a crazy taxi ride, this time one man is teaching another to drive! Part of the lesson includes the skill of turning off the engine when going downhill to save petrol. It's a green car. We pulled up at a group of three storey communist style apartment blocks, square concrete cubes stacked together. The sun was going down, the area looked really dodgy and I thought the next few minutes would be crucial as we waited for our host to arrive on his bicycle. All turned out ok - Holguin was one of the safest cities so far in Cuba and the owner was a gent. Top chef too. Rise and shine Sunday morning to explore the city. ... read more

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