4 days until departure!!

Published: May 30th 2007
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I'm Carynn, the girl who left college for a year without any idea, let alone a plan, of what to do instead. I know, I know, what was I thinking?! Putting off college?! Did I set myself up to wander a lonely menial path for the rest of my life with nothing but a promising career as the allegiant employee of the month at the local Mickey D's??? For most of my time spent at home it did seem as though I had fallen behind. Life felt like a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to me that all of my friends had a head start on while I was left still struggling to open the damn box. I missed my friends terribly and the action of school. But as time went by and I began to adjust to the path I had chosen, I realized I have been learning lessons my friends haven't. I have been working hard, budgeting and saving, traveling and planning a totally different route than I ever would have considered before. I have been directed in another way. I'm not wandering like I felt I was in the beginning of this journey. Rather, I am steadily moving towards something greater. I just happened to take a detour.

For the month of June I will be in COSTA RICA with a program called the Institue for Central American Development Studies, or ICADS. It is a well-respected Costa Rican institution which focuses on the Central American social, political and environmental issues that shape what the region and the world is today. ICADS students share an interest and a concern for becoming informed and educated on these serious issues. The four-week program I have chosen to participate in is a Spanish language immersion course. I will be living in San José with a host family and attending class 4½ hours a day 5 days a week. On weekdays, after class the program allows us to volunteer in various ways. We also have many cultural activities to participate in. On the weekends I will be traveling around the country.

Come along with me while I explore the most bio-diverse place on the planet. I'll have pictures and stories and, hopefully, some video too! Leave comments and e-mail me if you'd like. I'd love to hear from everyone! Wish me luck with my PURA VIDA experience...

“According to one estimate, 35,000 young Americans realize that working abroad, whether teaching, bartending, taking care of children, typing or picking grapes, has moved well beyond just trust-fund children. Far from being career suicide, it can actually provide a professional boost. Foreign experience demonstrates entrepreneurship, resourcefulness and independence, according to recruiters. Rosalind Clay Carter, senior vice president for human resources at A&E Television Networks, said people who work and support themselves overseas tend to be inquisitive, flexible and adaptive - valuable skills in today’s workplace.”

From New York Times article “A Year Abroad (or 3) as a Career Move” by Hillary Chura, February 25, 2006


30th May 2007

WOW You are almost a TICA!
ONLY four days??!?!?! I can't believe you are leaving so soon!!!!!!! That is so exciting, you will have such an awesome time learning the language and traveling around the country. Your family will love you!! Send me a postcard:-)
2nd June 2007

Travel Blogger Daughter #2, Where are YOU?
Well my dear sweet Carynny, I'm not surprised at all, that you've followed suit; just when I get comfortable having your sister Shelly back on US soil finally, YOU have to take off for Costa Rica now! So here I go again playing the "3 W's game", waiting and wondering and trying not to worry! Sniff, but I know it all really is exciting, isn't it honey? Can't wait to receive your first entry from the land of the Ticos! Hasta Lavista, sweetie! SWAK! Mommy
3rd June 2007

que pasa?!?
SO, how is it? Can't wait for a full review! but, I dont mind if it takes a while because that means you are living the tican life instead of being online! love you!

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