Continue journey with nothing

Published: July 10th 2005
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16.01.2005 - Continue only with toothbrush and camera?
Costa Rica

Yesterday, after 14 days, again, I ended up on the road. I felt like it were my first day of travel. With the difference, that I had much less luggage on me. The night dawned on earth and I was alone, without knowing where will I sleep, where will I eat and even where am I going.

I stood on the road junction in Escazu in Costa Rica and I couldn't feel like on my adventure again, as part of the world, with trust and freedom. I stared at the road and hundreds of cars passing by without paying attention to me and I started feeling cold and hunger. I started doubting that God will take care for me, when I trust him. Maybe everything is just a trick of my subconscious mind. I started to be afraid of what can happen to me in the night, creating awful scenarios and a sentence that I believe in came on my mind: "Your thoughts attracts what happens to you."
I felt even worse.

After an hour something happened to me.

A movie played in my head, an event from Spain that happened 4 months ago and changed me forever.
I was standing on the road in the middle of the night for 5 hours and a half, freezing, hungry and fed up. I screamed: "God, I don't trust you any longer. The Scriptures says, you will take care for me. Well, you don't! All this is BULLSHIT."
After 10 minutes my emotions got stronger and in the midst of misery and restlessness, a red Renault 5 stopped me.
I ran to the car, scanned the man and something told me, it's safe. I stuffed my big backpack and guitar and sat on the front seat.
"Hi! Thank you so much. My name is Matej."
"Senor, what is your name?"
Silence. The car was now moving.
"Amigo, do you trust God?"
The questions shook me like nothing before.
"Yes," I replied slowly. "Now, I trust."
We had a wonderful, but no less mysterious conversation with this little Spanish guy.
I will never forget this event.

I sat on the green grass by the road and started praying: "God, thank you for the person who is on the way to pick me up. I trust you. I truly trust you!"

The smile was back on my face and also the trust and love.

In about five minutes, I heard a sound of car horn. I turn around and saw the car that was waiting for me.
"I don't know exactly where am I heading, but San Jose will be fine."
"Sure," the man smilingly replied. "My name is Carlos. And your?"
"P H. Peace Hiker."
This is how I met a truly wonderful man, who hosted me last night and now I can say a new good friend.

Two weeks ago, namely, I met a beautiful, hospitable Slovenian-Croatian family, where I spent all the days in front of the computer reflecting on the last 6 months and preparing myself for the next...

The NEW STORY begins on the Christmas day, when I finally arrived in Costa Rica, still carrying huge backpack and guitar.
On the Flamingo beach on the North of the country an idea came to me:
"How about if I continue traveling only with toothbrush and my camera?"

"Why not," I said to myself and made a short list of things that also included three underpants, two T shirts, CD player with some CDs, anorak and passport.
Perhaps, I will eventually gather the courage to make this list even shorter and completely trust the world to take care for me.

As soon as I made this decision, I felt a new air of freedom in my lungs.

Soon, it was followed by a message, that seemed to wait for me to be prepared to show the real courage and trust and opened a WHOLE NEW DIMENSION to me. As I knew six months ago that I had to go on this journey (and I didn't even know why am I going), so I new that moment that I have to accomplish this mission.

I will not return home, until I finish what I decided to do.

People, who I trust my plans, tells me that this is IMPOSSIBLE. Well, people always said this when the big changes happened in history. It's true I am going on a mission that nobody made before, but something tells me I will accomplish it. Not alone, but with millions of people who will start dreaming this with me.

Now it is the sixth month that I have not seen my home country and I feel more free, more passionate and stronger than ever. Every day was a new MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: how to make some money or how to survive without any.
Call me naive, but I deeply believe that the time has come when there is no need for...
...any person in the world to feel unhappy.
...any person in the world to be hungry.
...any weapon that can kill another person.
...any child in the world to be bothered, while he is playing.
We can coexist with our differences in peace and friendship.
We can live on the planet and leave nature clean.
Call me naive, but I can see no reason why...
...any child in the world would be abandoned by his parents or deprived for their love.
...any person would be treated differently because of his race, nationality or beliefs.
...any person would hate, hurt or kill another human being.
...wouldn't we all just be happy and love each other?! IT'S SO EASY!
I am going for these dreams wholeheartedly.
I am prepared to sacrifice my youth and learn every single thing I have to learn, meet every person I have to meet and talk about my dreams as many times as required, to as many people as needed until the world BECOMES AWARE.

The last night at the Mileta family, I put some of the ideas on the webpage. I suggest you to take a look. If nothing else, I can assure you, you have never seen something like it.

I will also need support.
Not financial support, but people with knowledge, experiences and will, who will fight with me for OUR DREAMS of the world.

Only a day after my Christmas decision, I was in Jicaral, a small city, hitchhiking, when a man steps to me and asked me if I play guitar and if I can play something for him.
"Sure," I replied. I never refuse an invitation to share my music with people.

"How nice!" he exclaimed. "Can I try to play something, too?"
He played for me and sang a beautiful song. Braulio plays guitar much better than I do. I felt the pleasant energy around this person.
"You know, I have an 8-year old son, who is very passionate about music, too. One day, I will buy him one guitar, but a guitar is very expensive here, you know.
"Braulio, you know what. Do me a favor now and drive me to the village Lepanto, where I am going to meet a friend, who I met in United States. Then I will come to your house in a few days and we're going to play some music."
He agreed, presented me to his wife and children and drove me to Lepanto.

The evening came and 8-year old Martin Braulio watched me and my guitar with awe and appreciation (I believe, my guitar more than me). Then I decided to do something.
"Martin, this guitar is like my girlfriend. It was with me through the prettiest and toughest time - always in good mood and loyal. I made lots of money with her and lots of friends. I believe I also made the day of many people."
He nodded and smiled.
"Now it's time for the guitar to find a new owner."
I pushed the guitar in his hands.
"Martin, I want you to travel with it, make money, impress girls and make people happy. Now it's your companion."
He gasped in awe and could not believe his own ears. Then the awe turned into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on a face of a child.

Big backpack is currently at family Mileta. I will find a way to transport it back home or give it to someone who really needs it.

Today, I would like to share a few lines with you about a word that I often use. What is LOVE?

Sadly, I found out, that many people these days do not know what love is. Love is not an attraction that you feel towards opposite (or same) sex, love is not SEX and love is not an attachment to another person, which makes you feel you cannot live without him.

In my humble opinion LOVE is an emotion, hidden in the core of every human being. The deeper I discover myself, the more I feel the peace, freedom, trust in the world and universal love towards all and everybody.

A person who has love in his heart will love everybody who crosses his path. Pretty and less pretty people, men and women, babies, toddlers, teenagers, adults and older people.

When I feel one with the world, I will love a nice girl that I meet in a metro as much as the old man on the street begging for a dollar. I will love people who smile to me and people who have angry faces. I will love people who love and admire me and my journey and people who think I'm a jerk. I doesn't matter who the person is, but what is important is to see his core and him as a gift. People are gifts. Every person who comes to you holds a great precious diamond inside and YOUR MISSION is to find this diamond, not the reasons who to like or dislike this person.

(These are of course dreams and aspirations of mine. I admit I still love more people who smile at me, than those who look at me angrily and I still usually love children more than adults... )

When you truly love a person, you do not wish this person to be with you for any price. The only thing you hope for and wish for is that this person is happy, wherever, with whomever. You are happy weather this person is by you or is away from you, doing what he/she truly desire.
All the other forms of attachment, that people call "love", I call "selfishness". Many people are seeking for things in other person that they feel they lack.

DON'T DO THIS! It doesn't lead to happiness and fulfillment. When you feel the real love and peace of mind, you do not need another person to "fill the lack in you", but rather a person with whom you want to share your loving self.
You can only give the true love to others, when you feel it towards yourself. If you don't love yourself... I believe you cannot love others too.

On the page I answered questions that people set me throughout my journey.

Lots of love,


*** Take a look for the whole story and DAILY TRAVEL BLOGS in three languages on the website ***


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