Published: March 10th 2009
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The bus ride from the Nicaraguan border to San Jose seems like a blast from the past for me, when travelling in Africa our truck got stopped many times by police control, same here in CR 4 times at least during our bus trip, and apparently they are looking for stowaway illegal Nicas. San Jose as usual is bustling, it was quite cold and cloudy, at the bus stop I was quoted more than twice the fare by taxi drivers to get to my hostel so i decided to walk and find the Central Ave. I decided to get money from the ATm as I only have 3 dolars worth of colones on me, It was embarrasing but I have to find my ATM from my big pack so I unloaded my dirty clothes in front of a horrified security guard at the CR Bank trying to get to my ATM, he gave me a disapproving look. Having taken my money I looked for a taxi and I was quoted mas o menos $3 so i hopped in, he put the maria(meter) on. As I was crossing to get to my hostel i saw Pedrito coming out the gate! He was

waiting for me all day!! Bless my Brazilian mate! We caught up and as I was checking in he told me his experiences in Cuba. Got to my dorm room, Pedro said we have a crazy hippie old American dude in the room that makes noise of sleep last night and quite loud so have to be ready for that.

We had a meal at a local eatery and try and catch up stories after stories, we went to a nice bar after, he had me try Corona with lemon and salt quite good. Anyway from there we had a few more drinks at this small Chinese restaurant where the guy is selling raw turtle's egg, he said it is good accompaniment to beer, take it raw with picante sauce, we thought of trying it but changed our minds when we realized it is raw, plus maybe it is illegal!! Freakin Chinese, they eat anything... Got back to the dorm,10 minutes in bed and crazy American talking gibberish in his sleep alternating with loud snores, Pedro got up and told me we are moving to another room! He went to reception and when he got back had a new set of keys with him, we moved next door, got our stuff put away then we had some sleep. Next morning 5 or 6am heard loud train noises, our hostel is next to the train tracks!! Got over it and try to sleep some more, woke up pedro at 8ish and he packed his stuff, after breakfast we went to the city centre. Killed time by people watching accross teatro nacional, then we walked to the bus station to get Pedro to the airport, sad feeling saying goodbye to my bud for the 2nd time, making promises we will meet up in SudAmerica, maybe in Brazil, Uruguay or Suriname who knows..

Walked back to city centre and played the tourist and called my friend from Boston, Kenneth who had lived here now for 3 years, we arranged to meet up at Mcdonald's where else.. While waiting for him went to a bookstore trying to buy a childrens book to better my Spanish but all above my price range so left empty handed, Went quickly to McDo and saw a smiling Ken puffing away like a chimney, still smoking after all these years. We had lunch at this nice place, I was starving so had a salad and a pizza and beer, if i only knew he would pay for it I would have had a medium rare steak! kidding Ken!!!
Nice to see he is doing alright here happy and contented. After we said goodbyes i went to another bookstore but this one is more expensive so i ditched the plan of buying a book for later. back at the hostel met 2 English blokes and noticed a stinky smell akin to moldy boots or wet mud, it was them!! Apologizing profusely they related they have been hiking some mountains and only came to SJ for eye check up as they both have an infection, but comes back to join the group the next day, very amazing stories from these fellas. The young dude Will is celebrating his 19th that day as well, he plans to go to BU if admitted, smart kid. The Dutch dude in our room told me he is here for 2 weeks in SJ to party. He talks in his sleep, maybe he was dreaming of his conquests...

The 2 English dudes did not wake up to the alarm, I heard someone come to the room to wake them up, I packed my things, still undecided where to go but I want to leave Sj for the weekend, reading about this great place Volcan Tenorio, an off the beaten path destination, I asked Helen the nice receptionist to make a few phone calls for me and to cut a long story short she helped me get in touch with Alexander, the owner of Rio Celeste Lodge, he gave me instructions where to get off the bus, and the costs of taxi to the place, $30 one way!! It is quite remote and not readily accesible to backpackers but I am determined to see the renowned Rio Celeste, with emerald to torquoise colred water due to cobalt deposits in the water, saw great photos of it too, very excited now i hopped on ataxi to the bus station and found the bus. 4 hours later we arrived in Bijagua where I was told to get off, waiting for me there was Max, my ride to the lodge, did not realize i will get picked up so it was quite good, moments later a 4x4 truck came, its his wife maricris driving, we drove and

on the highway was a thin, green snake crossing the road, i think we ran over it, she screamed but did not stop, oh well, on the turn off is a dirt road about 11kms up is the way to the lodge and close to the Volcan Tenorio national park. it started raining on and off and got heavy when we arrived at the lodge, the scenery on the way is stunning and am very very excited at the prospect of doing lots of hiking here. After check in, the rain got worse and worse, and worse, wind picked up as well and all my hopes disappeared.

There is another fella in the lodge a nice Austrian dude that quickly became a friend, we chatted over dinner, which you have to get down to from the hill where the dorms are, muddy walk dogs barking at our every step, not fun. The señora cooks a delicious home meal just like the LP said. Rain abated a bit and we are hoping the weather gets better, false, when we got back to the dorm it rained and rained and rained again, strong winds with it and power cut, the whole night the rain dropeed and in the morning still foggy and drizzly i made a decision to get out of there as I dont feel like having cabin fever, stuck in the room unable to even check out the park just 1km away due to rain plus the colors of the river wont be exctitng anyway as it will me murky and cloudy. With Thomas the Austrian we left the place, asking a woman next door if she is willing to drive us down the turn off to the highway, for $23 she said yes. Bits of blues skiea nd the sun peaked every now and then but we are not to be deceived!! Finalyy at the turn off after a bumpy ride we took a bus to Cañas and at Cañas said goodbye to Thomas and waited at the shed for buses to San Jose, took 30 minutes to appear coming from Liberia, got on and stood in the bus for a good 2 and a half hours before finding an empty seat, quite busy this route. Arrivig at dark in the city i hopped on a taxi with the maria on but this fellow is a crook, the meter is going fast and it costs me $3 more than usual, but i did not argue just glad am back at hostel Toruma, where the receptionists go out of their way to help.

Christopher the receptionist gave me the same room where the crazy American was, i complained but he quickly assured me he is gone. Phew.. Met my roomies, Patrick a Dutch dude and Daniel from UK, very nice dudes turns out they spent a night in the room with the American fella before he got kicked out, I have to open my mouth i told Daniel the dude slept on his bed before i left the first time and he immediately switched the mattress much to our amusement! The next day we all went to the bus station for the David, Panama trip tomorrow, was supposed to live today but the hostels there are fully booked so decided to stay another night in SJ. Daniel did not buy his ticket when he found out there is no toilet in the bus, he has bladder probs and thought wont last the trip. He later on came back to buy his ticket changing his mind when he realized there is no better option, me and Patrick meanwhile went for a walk to find mercado central but it was closed! Met on the pedestrian street the cool Kiwi dude from iguana perdida in Lago Atitlan whose name i cant recall, he had such bad luck of having all his things stolen in Nicaragua including his passport and is killing time waiting here in SJ for 3 weeks now hoping to get his debit cards soon from home. The other dude, Thomas is in Panama city waiting for him, so I may meet up with them again, I have to remember his name before then..

For our last night together we went to the San Pedro mall, then bought some booze to consume later. Hostel Toruma where we are staying is very quiet and has 8 computers to internet, we ordered pizza and we had a small party while internetting, just 3 of us where are the other backpackers, we havent a clue. " american guys checked in late into our room, one is a BU student here for spring break. Patrick my Dutch friend is quite excited about his trip to LA tomorrow, meanwhile me and Daniel go our way down south to Panama, will be a long day again..

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