We spotted a real life Chupacabras (or maybe we're just going batty ;o)

Published: October 7th 2008
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The Costa Rica house we live in is named Villa de Chupacabras.

So what is "Chupacabras"? Costa Rican's and other Latin American's know, but this gringo had to look it up and it was a little creepy. Let's just say it's an animal of folklore you wouldn't want to meet in a dark house ... which leads me to my real life story:

Last night we got home after dark and as I made my way to the nearest light switch I thought I felt something swoosh near my head.

Soon after turning on the lights I spotted a real life Chupacabras flying around our living room. So much for folklore!

After a couple dozen high-speed fly-bys the Chupacabras finally landed.

Against our better judgment, we went in for a closer look...

Hmm, I might be crazy - but this Chupacabras looks more like a flying mouse. Call me batty :o)

Finally our little buddy landed in a nice low place so we could get up-close and personal.

Anyway, soon after we took the last attached picture was taken I boxed-in our house guest (literally) and took him back outdoors to do what he does best; eat thousands of insects nightly so that we can enjoy life in Costa Rica without the constant need for bug spray.

And the hunt for the elusive Chupacabras continues...

Read about all our 'scary' adventures at: www.CostaRicaBlogger.com

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