My 1st Step Class

Published: October 7th 2010
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Hi All!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, Oky assigned me a bunch of homework which kept me up all hours of the night!

As far as yesterday went, I had a pretty normal day. Breakfast with Miriam then class with Oky at 9am. However, after class Miriam took me to the gym so I could register for a month membership. Very exciting right? But the gym is for only women which I found to be pretty neat. I guess it's similar to a Curves in the U.S. Miriam also took me to check out how much and when some dance classes would be. I REALLY want to learn how to salsa and meringue while I'm here! Plus I hear it's a great work out! =) Afterwards, Miriam and I grabbed some lunch at a cute surfers restaurant by the house. It was oh so delicious! I did however find something on the menu very odd. Miriam ordered us bananas con chile...basically it's a non-ripe banana (so still very green) sliced and put with a hot chile sauce topped with jalapeƱos. I know it sounds revolting, but it was actually really yummy! It's such a great experience to be able to try so many different things that are completely normal in other cultures.

And moving on to today. A pretty normal day again, but I decided to hit up the gym this afternoon. I wanted to go for a run then possibly lift some weights. Plus I read there was a "super series" class at 5pm so I figured I'd check it out. I ran for about 25 minutes before the class. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And it was a step class!! haha Not only have I never done a step class before, but I don't exactly have much rhythm...well at least compared to the latinos. It was great though! I sort of felt as if I were in the 70s because all the ladies were in tight spandex and wearing high socks. What a sight! And here I was in my baggy athletic shorts and a ripped sleeveless shirt. HA! I have to wonder what they were thinking about me. But you'll be happy to know I actually kept up! I mean my "moves" weren't as flowy as the rest of the bunch but I think I did a good job! And man did I sweat! It's a lot harder than you think! Trust me! After 2 hours at the gym I headed out to meet Miriam for dinner.

Miriam, as always, had a great display of food for dinner. Plantains, chicken noodle soup (without the chicken) haha with tons of veggies! We also had some rice and beans...of course!

Miriam has set up some great plans for us this weekend too! Friday, us ladies are getting our nails done and Saturday Miriam is taking me to the farmer's fruit market and Coffee Britt plantation! I do think I'll be purchasing some Costa Rican coffee to take/send home! =) Can't wait to update you on how it all goes!

Hasta manana!


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