Published: April 16th 2012
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#1 Friends

The friends I have at UICCP have helped me succeed at UICCP. Without my friends, I don't believe that I would have graduated at this school. I have a small circle and when I graduate, most likely I will onlly still talk to Mark and Jeremey. We started together, finished together, and shall continue together.

#2 Safety

I respect the safety given at UICCP. I know that there are many type of crimes and thigs that happen at CPS schools. It is good to know that I can come to school without going through metal detectors and knowing that I will be safe from physical harm.

#3 Enrichment/Sports

UICCP sports are not really competitive compared to other CPS schools. However, I like the fact that I can interact with plenty of people and make more friends through enrichment.

#4 Advisory

Advisory is a good thing to have because you have that group of students you see everyday at the beginning of the day and end of the day. It is a way to build relationships and a way for you to open up to your peers. It is a way for your peers to encourage you so that we can succeed as a team.

#5 Mr. Cartwright

Mr. CArtwright gets his peronal section because he is the person I love the most at our school. Mr. Cartwright is my advisory and has been there for me since day 1. I tell Mr. Cartwright EVERYTHING becase he do not judge me or yell at me; he talks to me and try to explain things to me. Mr. Cartwright is like a dad to me.

#6 Lasalle

I have to say that I respect Lasalles because I was one of those kids who did not do their homework in elemetary school. I believed that homework was pointless because I would rather do things more entertaining. Lasalle made me realize how important homework was, and my grades were way better in highschool than it was in elementary school. Therefore, I just continued to do homework daily in order to maintain good grades.

#7 Goals

I appreciate the goals that are set for us at UICCP. The goals at UICCP help me remember that all the hard work I am doing at this school is order for me to go to college and succeed by making a positive multigenerationa change. This will only happen based off hte actions I do.

#8 Curriculum

The curriculum at UICCP compared to other schools in Chicago is amazing. The curiculum has helped me know that when I get into college, I won't have problems nor will I drop out.

#9 Staff

The staff at our school are very appreciated because they do every thing in order to make sure that we succeed. Also, most of our staff are young, so they can easily relate to us and help us with our problems. In addition, I know our teachers really care about us unlike other staff at different schools.

#10 Outings

I appreciate the outings we have as a school, which rarely happens. It is good that we have these outings to the woods and lunch becuase it is a way to relaaz and relieve stress. Also, they are ways where students get to interact more and get to know each other more.


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