tomandhelen's Guestbook

7th January 2011

Hi guys! Just a quick message to say it looks like you are both doing great work out there and having much rum fun at the same time. Not been in touch much but have been kept posted by your blog, excellent reading. For 2 people who were intent on NOT blogging looks like you've got into it! Look forward to catching up on Bristish soils and hearing all about your trip. Love Becsxx
From Blog: In Memorium
23rd December 2010

Nice tree!! Wishing you both a very happy christmas! pxx
From Blog: Oh Tannenbaum
22nd December 2010

We can really feel your enthusiasm and energy - it's a great blog and very entertaining too - keep it up. Can't wait to see you on your return. xxx
From Blog: Oh Tannenbaum
22nd December 2010

that was an eleven
ha, yeah, Tom says that Spinal Tap crops up in conversation pretty frequently here, but he's not sure that's exactly where it's from. It's more along the oh so often heard 'awesome' lines. I have yet to work it into a conversation because I fear I'll laugh too hard if I manage to get the words out.
From Blog: rain stops play
21st December 2010

Hi Twin and Tom! Glad you're finding time to relax at the side of festering sewers in between all the hard work. Just as a matter of interest, can you find out if the reference to 'that was an eleven!', high 5, etc. had anything to do with Spinal Tap- sounds strange I know, but we have an American member of staff who thinks it started because of a reference to an amp being an 11 (rather than a 10) in the film. Wow, who'd have thought it. Anyone else reading this won't have a clue what I'm talking about, apologies! Keep up the good work, you're both AWESOME! Love Becsxx
From Blog: rain stops play
19th December 2010

Hi guys, Hope all is still going well. Looking forward to the next post. Pin xx.
9th December 2010

That's no good- hang on in there and fingers crossed it's okx

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