taithnickahelen's Guestbook

24th December 2009

Nadolig Llawen
Nadolig Llawen i chi'ch dau yn Awstralia. Maew'n gynnes braf yma - o flaen y tan. Hwyl, Arthur xx
25th November 2009

Hello Nick and Helen Great to hear from you, lovely pictures and really great to hear about your adventures. I never would have thought you would both be gadding about on a glacier! Hope you continue to have a great time and get in plenty more walks. just to let you know that I think things are finally moving forwards with 34 Moss Lane, will keep you informed Love from both of us. XX
From Blog: Foxy lady!
14th October 2009

y daith yn parhau.............
Newydd fod yn darllen y blog a gweld eich lluniau gwych- ag un ohonoch chi hefo Maradonna wrth gwrs. Pawb yn iawn yma. Hwyl hefo cam nesaf eich siwrna trwps xx
1st October 2009

3 R's
Falch o glywed eich bod allan o'r jyngl yn saff ac wedi mwynhau'r profiad. Nick wrth ei fodd hefo'r raftio felly - fydd o isio canw rwan i fynd lawr afon Ogwen!! Hwyl i chi hefo cam nesaf eich taith. Pawb yn iawn yma ac yn cofio atoch chi'ch dau. xxxx
1st October 2009

Great to hear that you're having such a fun time - I agree about the 'how many ruins can you see in one day tour- and the rainforest trip sounds awesome! Have loads of fun on Lake titi caca xx
1st October 2009

Hey you two! Hope all is good, i betg ur enjoying ur travelling. We are having a team lloyd reunion on Friday, wish you both could have been there!
25th September 2009

Ola gringos! Fi, mam a dad wedi bod yn edrach ar eich blog heno - gweld y llunia'n well ar dy lap top di (mo'n methu chdi Hels!!) anodd gweld nhw ar yr hen mobile. Dwi'n convinced bo chi di cael llun o UFO de - ne manna ddau lleuad gwahanol!?! Tydio'n od - mo fel cheshire cat sy'n Alice in wonderland yn gwennu tydi! Falch bo tidi cael hyd i dad - oni'n meddwl lle oddo di mynd dwrnod o'r blaen! (hi, hi!). Nath bones upsetio gweld bones? twdl-w am wan xxx Ola gringos! Me, ma + pa looking at your blog tnite - I can see your photo's better on your lap top (it misses you Hels!) hard to see your piccies on my mobi. I'm convinced you've taken a photo of a UFO - or there's two different moons!? It's weird - looks like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland doesn't it! I'm glad you found dad - I was wondering where he got to the other day (he, he) Did bones get upset seeing the other (real!) bones?Take care +njoy xxx
23rd September 2009

Hi you two
Lovely pictures. Glad you are both having such a wonderful time . Lots of love Mum and Dad xxx ( and Harry)
20th September 2009

Helow big sis a nicolai !! Gobeithio dachi yn enjoio eich hun! Peidiwch a methu ni gormod haha xxx
19th September 2009

Lovely Pictures
Hi you two We both had a god look at the photos, looks like you are really enjoying things..
18th September 2009

Wel, da chi wedi gweld lot mewn wythnos. Mae'r llunia yn edrych yn dda a da ni'n edrych mlaen i weld mwy. Bob hwyl, dad a mam xx
18th September 2009

How get you to?
Falch clwad bo chi di cyrraedd yn saff. Di chwerthin ar y blog cyntaf de! Gobithio bo chi a Bones yn cal amser da. C u swn xxx
16th September 2009

Wele Helen a Nic Dewr ei bron!!
"Ymlaen yr awn yn ddewr a llon" Falch o glywed eich bod wedi mwynhau'r hedfan er yn edrych yn cnacrd. Hwyl, Osso. (Arthur yn y Sbaeneg dwi'n meddwl)
15th September 2009

Pisco Sour is so Sweet!
Glad your safe and sound and that you have some English speakers at the hostel! You should be in Pisco by now.. so have fun and enjoy! Clair y Jose xx
14th September 2009

bloomin eck arthur
Falch o glywed eich bod wedi cyrraedd yn saff trwps. Meddwl ma siwr na fasa'r ffon dim yn gweithio yna. Letrig wedi bod off yma eto heno felly'n hwyr yn dod ar y blog. Bob hwyl gan pawb yma, dad a mam xxxx
14th September 2009

bloomin eck arthur
Falch o glywed fod chi wedi cyrraedd yn saff trwps. Meddwl ma raid fod y ffon ddim yn gweithio yna. Letrig wedi bod off eto heno felly hwyr yn dod ar y blog. Hwyl gan pawb yma - dad a mam xxxx
14th September 2009

Hello you two, looks like you made over there! Now after all the waiting the fun should really begin. All the best and here's to the rest of the trip. Dad
14th September 2009

safe and sound
Glad to hear you got there safely - hope the flight wasn't too bad for Nick. Keep in touch Amy xxx

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