soooze's Guestbook

23rd July 2008

Nice goin'
Good move, staying calm and taking care of business. Go Team Slaven!
23rd July 2008

Bon Voyage
Suzanne, your blog is so interesting I look forward to reading it everyday. It's like a novel. It sounds like you're almost ready to go to China. Love, Aunt Elaine
23rd July 2008

Wow. Just a few days to go. I feel like you are all boarding the Mayflower for the New World. Kind of sort of .
20th July 2008

house repairs
That IS the silver lining of life's hassles...the fun of writing about them. Love your blog, Suzanne.
20th July 2008

Handy Suzanna
Suzanne is a very determined plumber. She went through the first home plumbing class: "Make every mistake until it works" class. She absolutely would not give-up as we tried every way to install this thing. We did find many ways NOT to do it.It seems men mostly go to these classes. Now my Suzanne has been there. She picked right up on the cement work. That must have been from her prior pottery experience! I'm sure the house will appreciate all her efforts when it begins to miss the sounds of the Slaven family. Suzanne's focus on getting things done will help her on her adventure. I can't wait to read about it. -
20th July 2008

The Man and the Stork
Mark, Well told, so no need to be nervous about your writing! I had a blood test a couple of years ago and my doctor accidently checked the pregnancy test. The lab assistant looked at it, looked at me, and proceeded. Talk about took me 6 months to get them to take that portion off my bill, but I succeeded. I know how challenging it is to be in a foreign country, but it must me even tougher when the native language is not Engrish. Hope you enjoy your time there. Looking foward to more of your reports! Love from all of us, Fred, Toshimi, and Melody
20th July 2008

Thanks for the update and photos Suzanne. Everything will be fine and you will be in Shanghai before you know it! Exhausted of course, but so exciting Wow! Love you tons, Geeze
15th July 2008

Thanks for details, Mark...fascinating. Despite your opening disclaimer, I laughed.
15th July 2008

Best Wishes
I came across your blogs and thought they are very interesting. You guys are really open-minded and friendly. I am sure you will make a lot of friends and have a great experience in Shanghai! Best Wishes !!
15th July 2008

Keep it up Mark. We are all incredibly interested.
15th July 2008

OMG Mark!!! What an experience. OY Vey! Hugs, Jim and Geeze
15th July 2008

Great post!
Nice to hear about your China adventures, Mark. Very entertaining read. But don't forget - there was a pregnant man on Oprah recently! ;-)
14th July 2008

Hey Guys -- I'm so glad you are doing this Blog Suzanne as I feel very out of touch with you... but that is no reflection of how much I think of you! Here's to hoping we can get together this week! And, of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mark! --Malia
12th July 2008

Happy Birthday, Mark!! And congratulations on the cinematic birthday message, Suzanne! Now, in the months to come, when I wake up at 4am, and turn over to catch a few more hours of sleep, I will think of you all sitting down to dinner.
10th July 2008

i hear ya on the stess-distraction bit
The other morning, I rinsed off my shampoo and put some conditioner in my hand. Next thing I knew, I was applying the conditioner to my cheeks! Good luck with the last few weeks!!
9th July 2008

Operation Frog Release
Wow, Suzanne, I'm really impressed. When I reached "less drama with less frog release team members", I knew I was hearing from an expert at this. Nice goin', right up to the cheeseburger!
9th July 2008

it was a guinea pig...
It was my guinea pig in fact! Still can't believe I had a pet by choice...but I know I was always trying to be just like my big sister...pierced ears, sure! Pets, sure!
9th July 2008

Back to the wild
I'm reminded of a similar problem when Suzanne and Laura were a bit older than Nathan and Emily. This problem involved a pet bunny and a pet something (gerbil or hamster). They had been living together in a backyard cage eating this and that. We decided it was time to free them. However, I was not nearly as thoughtful as Suzanne. I just took them out to a woodsy area and said: BYE BYE!! My thought at the time was they might make a tasty fox/wolf-treat? Not exactly the Free Willy concept,huh.
9th July 2008

Yes, there are so many I really should write them down. They are often very funny. Emily's focus tends to be around food. "Do they have forks? I'm going to pack my own silverware because I can't use chopsticks very well!" Nathan's top concern is whether he can continue to procure Legos while in China. I said I'd seen Legos there, but I couldn't produce photographic evidence, so he's not 100% convinced. I will keep you posted on more of their thoughts and comments as we go. Thanks for the comments. I LOVE hearing back from people who are reading. Makes me feel less like an over-sharer :)
From Blog: busy bees
9th July 2008

Now she is six
Love the pictures, especially the one of Emily at the nail place. It would be interesting to read about those "worries" of Nathan and Emily about moving to China. Surely there are the usual ones: will I like my new school? will I make friends? but what about the ones of the "Will there be peanut butter?" variety?
From Blog: busy bees
30th June 2008

The urge to purge
I have been through "the great sorting" task that Suzanne is doing. Since we moved a great deal, I did it more than once. My last big purge was when Sarah was ill, so I did it by myself. I was not as thoughtful as Suzanne. I couldn't keep up with the volume of trash, so I just committed the floor of the garage and begin throwing things from the house to the floor. A giant volcanoe/mountain of stuff grew and grew. I wish I had taken a picture.
From Blog: less is more
30th June 2008

Tossing, sorting, packing, giving away...all of this sounds uncomfortably familiar...except for the Take To China part. The boys nextdoor love their Legos, so I'll share Nathan's plight. Looking forward to hearing from your guest blogger!
From Blog: less is more
11th June 2008

How fun!
How fun it is to read about Nathan's party and see photos of the kids! A reminder that your blog is going to be full of news about THEM...Nathan's in-lieu-of-gifts gift idea is truly wonderful. You may have had a "failed craft project", as you put it, but you had a wildly successful gift giving. Great "once a year in a beautiful place" idea too. Your mom would love your Chinese adventure...and your blog.
9th June 2008

Silly me!
What was I thinking when I pictured you having nothing to do for the next two months but eat vegetarian and pack?? Good luck on completing your To Do List.
8th June 2008

Foot massage
An incredible bargain/experience, I would say.
From Blog: one more story

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