rrruss' Guestbook

20th June 2013

Hurray for the sun!
This music festival sounds fantastic. We will have to add it to our list.
18th June 2013

What a panorama
Sounds like a lovely town.
From Blog: Lovely Lerma
10th June 2013

Missed it!
I had my Madrileño native partner take me to El Escorial a few summers ago. I'm a bit macabre and really wanted to see Valle de los Caídos (and his family has history in the Civil War - his maternal grandfather fought against Franco), but the PSOE had closed it down. A shame, as I think it's an important piece of Spain's history. Will try and make it up before they kick Rajoy out of office!
28th May 2013

You've got some great photos
27th May 2013

What a lovely walk you had and your pictures of the birds are great. What camera do you use for that? Continue to enjoy.
27th May 2013

Thanks Jackie. I use a Canon 600D. Glad you enjoyed the pictures.
24th May 2013
Tango in the square

Love the dancing
They look so serious.
24th May 2013
Tango in the square

Tango is serious business!
I don't remember people smiling when they danced the tango in Argentina at all!
16th May 2013

That gives us an idea!
Really useful to read, might drop there on our way back towards France
16th May 2013

Chasing the sun
Good idea to drive two hours to sunshine. The photo of the ruins with the flowers was well framed. Great shot.
27th April 2013

amaxing pictures
Hi Russ and Trish, I am really enjoyinf following all your trips out in Sain and especially appreciate your photos which are amazing. Thanks for sharng your experiences. When will you be back in Hammam-Sousse?
3rd April 2013
A light lunch!

Euskadi, The Basque Country, The Land of the Basques, is not Spain. Never
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_Country_(greater_region) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Basques http://youtu.be/hJlKx3NPuts
3rd April 2013

Una preciosa serie de post sobre los vascos
Muy buenos artículos sobre el Pais de los Vascos los recogemos http://blog.aboutbc.info/2013/04/03/conociendo-el-pais-de-los-vascos-y-escribiendo-mucho-sobre-el-24-entradas/#ixzz2POtiQXGA
21st March 2013

I can imagine that this would be an emotionally powerful visit.
17th March 2013

We have not made it to Spain yet
For years we've talked about traveling to Spain but so far it has just been talk. We're really enjoying traveling along on your exploration. Always good to have a bit more wine as the water might not be safe...ah, oh, I guess you're not in Asia. Oh well, drink the wine anyway.
12th March 2013

I would not want to live in a town that got cut off from civilization because of a snow fall. Sounds like you had a great picnic.
13th February 2013

estella s beautiful churches
I really enjoyed seeing your excellent photos of the old churches with their details Lovely to be immersed in such an old area and it made me want to go there. Hope u are well. Love Jackie
12th February 2013

Thank you for sharing this very nice post, please keep continue the sharing of this types of information. Here we are waiting for more
8th February 2013

Yummy Yavi
Great photos and description of a town I visited a month ago. Seems it hasn´t changed much in the last five years--still beautiful countryside for walks, deserted adobes and sheep everywhere. I stayed a week and a half hiking around and found native paintings only in a canyon far off the map, not at the famous Garganta del Diablo. I´ve loved reading your Argentine blogs.
16th January 2013

Enjoyed looking at these pics very much, they are great!!
6th January 2013

A sense of freedom
Reading about your walk in the Foz de Lumbia gave me a wonderful sense of freedom and grandeur. Your blog was fun to read and the photography excellent .
17th December 2012

Wow! I did not know that about the museum on Montjuic. Will you recommend it?
25th November 2012

Love the panorama photo! And what an intriguing use of art and space to raise environmental awareness of the region. I would have never known.
21st November 2012

A street full of umbrellas--beautiful!
You photographed this museum beautifully! Really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing guys!
19th November 2012

Loved your Bilbao album!
Awesome pictures! Your photography skills are excellent!

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