mjist's Guestbook

12th February 2010

ye, i lived there
i love teodoro sampaio, i used to live there. it is kind of crazy place with a charm
26th January 2010

The more I read, the more I lean towards vicarious travel! Your literary skills and your photos are outstanding.
From Blog: Varanasi
23rd December 2009

Merry Christmas from the Shop
Hi Mark and Beth, We have been keeping up to date with your adventures, can't wait for the next entry. Sounds like you are having a great time. Even when things get trying you're keeping chins up, hang in there and keep well. The photos are proof that you are putting in the yards and reaping the rewards for it. They are spectacular. Good to hear you have met some people along the way, hopefully you continue to do so, just when you need them. (Nice ones that is). Jac and I have done the o/sea xmas thing, it has its advantages, no crazy relatives. All jokes aside they will be thinking of you, as are we. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the start of 2010. Look forward to catching up when you return, but till then stay safe and enjoy the rest of the journey. Take care, Menon
22nd December 2009

Hi Mark and Beth glad that you are making the most of the opportunity you created to explore another country. Enjoy your time there and look forward to your next blog. XXOO
From Blog: Kathmandu
17th December 2009

Megan shared your travels
I really enjoyed reading through your adventures sounds like an amazing experience, take care both of you Love Deb
16th December 2009

Love your blogs!
Hi Mark, we met in Cartagena many months ago, and I'm so glad to still receive your blog updates. I was in Nepal in 2003, and enjoyed reading your account of the Annapurna circuit. You are a witty story teller. I had quite a few chuckles. Keep it up!
10th December 2009

looks awesome guys :) hope all is swell and I can't wait to hear the next instalment!xx
From Blog: Kathmandu
25th November 2009

Hi there Mark & Beth
Glad to hear that you are getting settled in your new home for the next little while. I tried to call you Monday morning before you left but your phone was already off. Enjoy yourselves and I hope the trek won't be too difficult. Thinking of you both. Lots of love and hugs A xxx
From Blog: Kathmandu
25th November 2009

good luck
Hey there, hope you have a fabby time on the trek! Sounds like its ok?
From Blog: Kathmandu
10th May 2009

Aussies in Banff
I'm in Banff this May 9th weekend...I encountered a lot of Australians here (as well as Japanese)...googled "australians in banff" and got your blog. If you're ever in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, I can give you a tour!
7th April 2009

oh the male and female toilets....
i was indeed very impressed, that is until the air conditioning got so cold i had to pull out the sleeping bag, and the tv frosted over.... fun times thou, i especially loved the reggaeton music that blared at full volume and didn't stop during our 18 hour trip, ha ha
From Blog: Cali and Bogota
17th March 2009

Beanie helmet
Hi Mark I saw real beanie helmets called Helts as a complete product at the ISPO 09. Check out: www.helt-pro.com Cheers!
13th September 2008

compre yaguar i bmw avionetas esaamble manden un e.mail. le atenderemos en vrevedad vrndemos dinero lamborgini italiano el yaguar para gente de negocios criador robotico de gallinas 100 millones de gallinas a buen precio alquile 3 pozos pongase en contacto con nosotros i estaremos con usted en negocios
From Blog: La Paz
13th September 2008

glad you liked NY and colombian..Im a colombian living in NYC
12th August 2008

so skinneh! and that grin is getting more and more fixed and scary the most hospital trips there are. feel better.
9th August 2008

You look completely off your face in a fair amount of those photos - morphine is nice, yes? The hospital is incredible, and I very much enjoyed those half-nude photos. Lightened up my day. How you doing now?
9th August 2008

More text!
How are you feeling there, Mark? you look way too skinny in your photographs but hopefully you're back on solids and greasy macca's chips. Write again ...
19th July 2008

appreciation and congratulations
Markku You write extremely well and the content and spirit of your blogs is probably worth a peso or two. When I see you I will give you addresses for travel writers agencies that could use your material for appropriate compensation. Looking forward to your experiences following landing in Miami [I hate that airport with intense passion and would avoid it if possible even if it meant extending a flight somewhere]
From Blog: Cartagena
15th June 2008

yay diving! i'm envious. it took a lot of willpower to leave koh tao... but it feels like a lifetime ago now! strange. aaah the coluumbian carribbeean... you should read some marquez to get in the mood. sounds awesome as always, happy gallavanting! e
12th June 2008

wow, envious. what a completely beautiful place. you're making me feel lazy, and all too cushy! but i maintain my days are numbered. not that yours aren't. bah. i dont know. okay i'm behind in reading your travels! catchup time! hope present is well left kidney, em
7th June 2008

Public busses
Hello, I am going on a two-week vacation this summer to Ecuador and I plan on traveling via pubic busses. The route I have to take is: Guayaquil to Cuenca Cuenca to Riobamba Riobamba to Quito Quito to Mindo Mindo to Canoa or Muisne Canoa or Muisne to Guayaquil From this, I need to find out which route is faster, via Cajas or Canar. I need to find out how much time I save returning to Guayaquil via Canoa instead of muisne. And I also want to find the earliest departure for each route (7am would be perfect) I am sorry if this is any trouble for you but I am having great difficulty finding the route I need and the prices.
From Blog: Ecuador
15th May 2008

yeesh, i have a newfound respect for the detail you put into your blogs. maybe i'm a slow typer, maybe i'm incredibly cheap, but the time i've spent on these computers doesn't seem like enough to get it all in. don't be too dissapointed by the blantant tourista nature of my trip thus far. we're learning. and having fun. that's all that matters? livers, (where egyptians believed emotion to come from) em
From Blog: Antofagasta
12th May 2008

another great blog. you're very lucky to have such well placed friends. you're really getting to see chile from a perspective most tourists never would. antofagasta used to be a very ugly and unattractive city (i was there in '99) but since then the government (both city and national) have made a great effort to improve the quality of life for its residents. i think the aridness of the area adds to the "ugly" factor b/c it makes everything look dusty or dirty. i just wanted to add a note about the library you went to in santiago. until i saw the pic, i wasn't sure what you meant when you described it as looking like a laboratory (i'm still not sure i get it), but this building dates from 1928 and only became a library in november of 2006. between those dates, it was a warehouse for the government. this might be why it almost resembles a prison from the outside. as a bit of trivia, its art-deco facade was declared a "national monument". good luck in bolivia. be sure to ask bolivians what they think of chile, hee hee.....cheers!
From Blog: Antofagasta
9th May 2008

Wow, two sunsets in two days. They really do things differently in South America. Wheres next after Antofagasta? Bolivia? La Paz?
From Blog: Santiago

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