mdgg's Guestbook

11th July 2012

welcome home!
What a great blog...and coming home to a beautiful new baby!! Hope all is well. Let's have drinks and dinner soon.
10th July 2012

Hi MD! Thanks for sharing your trip with us via blog, have really enjoyed it. Still missing Otranto and everyone, also missing Punta Diamante (my studio)! Many congrats on your new grandchild, will make for an easy re-entry, having such a nice present to go home to! Ciao, Mary
9th July 2012

on the birth of Andy!!!
9th July 2012

Still looks great in every way!
5th July 2012

It all sounds SO inviting!! Fascinating contrasts and art midst it all. But for the heat...perfect, and that perhaps the challenge that makes it all worth while? Thanks for sharing.
5th July 2012
Full Moon over Danube

love this one!
Love this one!
4th July 2012

What a great trip you are having.I am enjoying your blog. Happy 4th of July!
4th July 2012

Just love checking in on you both every single day. I've really enjoyed every new blog, pictures and all! I keep checking for new baby also!
3rd July 2012

same experience
I had the same experience with wine and food, but not at your hotel! Memories of my hotel (not good) were pitiful sheets....exfoliated when I turned over. Will you be going to Bratislavia? Thought it was a charming city. Shake it off and have another beer and fries.
5th July 2012

Our hotel was not the (con) problem!!! The Gellert is great, very professional, great food, nice beds and linen... just no AC. The con was out on the tourist street with all the restaurants!
2nd July 2012

Have so enjoyed following your blog.....thanks for sharing! The baths look so elegant as does the hotel. What a lovely place (but for the con! -sorry). Toasting you both tonight. The heat is more than bearable...staying indoors most of the day here. Your gardens are hanging on despite the heat. We envy your whole experience but love sharing it vicariously! Hugs, C
1st July 2012

Your trip sounds exciting ..
Hey you two ! We love getting your daily commentary and just want you to know how exciting your trip sounds and must be. Is it too late for Carole and me to join you guys ?? ... What a wonderful trip !! Thanks for your blogs ... we almost feel like we are there with you ... Except that we are jealous !! Ha ! Howl at the Moon is Monday ... We'll definitely be talking about you both, and looking at the same moon. Watered your plants etc. yesterday 'cause most days are like an oven here, and nearly 100 Deg F . My advice is stay there !!!
1st July 2012

Hi Jack
We are enjoying it here, but the heat is just like yours, except we have no AC at the Hotel Gellert!!!!!!! But the baths are not too bad, and may save us. We'll be taking full moon pics here over the Danube... howl at us! MD and Gary
23rd June 2012

Coffee and money
In Kyrgyzstan we were never able to find brewed coffee only Nescafe. It is also a totally cash society. Soviet influences I suppose.
From Blog: Day 29: Friday
1st July 2012

We had the same problem all over Croatia and Slovenia. Luckily we brought coffee from Italy with us. Filters were a problem, but we were creative, from wash clothes to paper towels!!!
From Blog: Day 29: Friday
21st June 2012
Bombed out building in Bosnia-Herzegovina

fascinating contrast between the life/ growth of the flowering and the destruction it is thriving on.
21st June 2012
River under Mostar Bridge

Jealous! Looks amazing!!!!!!
21st June 2012
MD and Gary with backdrop of Dubrovnik

Super Hot!
You two look fabulous!!!!!!!!!!
21st June 2012
Red Cushions

Just like the red chairs at home!
21st June 2012
2 Hot and Tired

21st June 2012

You did well, we had an absolutely disgusting old ferry from Bari to Bar in Montenegro, the Sveti Stefan, dirty, rusty, very little food etc. Plus is was running 6 hours late, so late they didn\'t check our documents on the way into Montenegro!! My kids refused to use the showers on the Sv Stefan. They used to run a Bari-Kotor ferry, I think it\'s been discontinued which is a pity. Bari has nice old quarters and great ice-cream, but the ferry port is hell. For Dover-Calais you just drive straight on, zero waiting. For Calais-Dover you wait maybe 40 minutes. At Bari you queue, wait, queue, wait, and finally queue again and the whole process from joining the first queue to boarding the ferry takes 6 hours.............. unbelievably bad publicity for Italy. I haven\'t tried the reverse journey................
16th June 2012

Your adventure continues! The pictures have been so good....looking forward to seeing more of your travels. Have fun.
13th June 2012

7 weeks!!!!
Looks like a fabulous trip. Been following the blog.... and was watching the map for a while. Somehow we lost the map. Thanks for letting us enjoy vicariously.
12th June 2012
Fiesta Procession

I love this photo! It reminds me of the quinceanera we bumped into on Isla Holbox. What an amazing adventure, MD! Thanks for the detailed descriptions and pics so we can live vicariously =)
From Blog: Day 17:
11th June 2012

Beautiful water
the water looks amazing, hope you get to get in it a few times a week! SO RELAXING!!! I want some of those tiny pears toooooo! XO

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