londonpenguin's Guestbook

3rd May 2013

you're better than a travel brochure! I don't think I've heard of Ghent, but now I know if I go to Belgium, that's the place to stay and just pop into Brussels! Plus your hotel sounds wonderful. Weird about the shower curtain. Funny, ou
r hotel in Rome had a HALF shower door on the tub. Maybe most Europeans still only take baths...Glad you got a better night's sleep! And lovely photo of you!
From Blog: In Bruges
2nd May 2013

Maybe you didn't get my other comment, but ask for your scrambled eggs to be cooked dry and hope they know what that means. Your posts are the highlight of my day!
From Blog: Sooo sleepy
2nd May 2013

We also saw the little peeing boy at that spot......and in plenty of places, including in chocolate! I loved Grand Place. We had lunch at some little spot where we went down a few stairs. Take care of that ankle!
From Blog: Crafty
1st May 2013

What's more amazing than all you pack into a day is that you then come back and write about it in detail. I'm glad you do.
1st May 2013

Did you remember to call that cardboard box full of tubes on the floor, "valves!"
From Blog: The Codebreakers
1st May 2013

Hey -- you're now on your way to great sleeps, good eating, interesting places and people. Have a great tour -- I'll catch up with your posts when I get back from D.C. next week.
From Blog: Sooo sleepy
1st May 2013

Hope your night is QUIET and you get really good sleep!! And maybe you can try again with eggs for breakfast! Though I'd eat the chocoloate mousse for breakfast if I could--has egg in it...
From Blog: Sooo sleepy
30th April 2013

Just thinking of you not being able to find a bathroom makes me have to go to the bathroom! Glad it was only the cable you forgot and not the camera. (If I can get my Italy photos organized, we can have a photo-fest after your return!).
Kinda gross about how recently the sewage had been flowing into the Thames, but lovely to know the river is so clean now. So eating salmon there might be ok!! Neat to find out things like that...
30th April 2013

I am jealous. Bletchley Park would be the number one tour in England for me. On PBS now, there is a series where four gals that were code breakers at Bletchley during WW2 are using their unique skills in the 1950's to find a serial killer
. If you can, bring back any brochures that they offer that describe the type of people they used to break the codes.
30th April 2013

Yea for the Poles! We're smarter than we look...Truly, that's really cool, though. That code breaking stuff is fascinating--how do you remember all that detail?! you don't give yourself enough credit; but I can't wrap my mind around it,
either. Probably why I went into the arts...HA! The pigeon thing is interesting, too. Their brains aren't very big, but they can sure find their way home! Glad you got a cable to use 'cause it's fun to see the pix (excpet for that dreaded speculum! GADS! Did they REALLY USE THAT? I would never have survived...) Have a good trip to Belgium! Can't wait to hear your adventures there!
From Blog: The Codebreakers
29th April 2013

I like traveling with you--I don't have to deal with the airplane people. Looking forward to reading about your adventure and seeing pictures.
29th April 2013

Was the woman at the airport asking you questions like "what is your favorite color?" And perhaps you answered "Blue. No! Red!"
29th April 2013

Try as I might to get excited about "free" food on airplanes, it usually leaves me wanting. Wonder what was up with the customs lady? That is bizarre. Maybe she just wanted to talk! HA! So you had to drag your suitcase up to the 3rd fl
oor? (And was that the 3rd floor as in the US version of the 3rd floor, or the European version 0,1,2,3, in which case it's 4 flights of stairs??) I took my giant suitcase on the tube when I was in London last. I never even thought to check for other options! HA! Hope you got a good night's sleep!! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!! Yippee!!
29th April 2013

OMG -- I'd give anything to have been able to go on that tour with you! I LOVE those kinds of tours, so very interesting. And what the tour guide wouldn't know, YOU would!! L&K
29th April 2013

You should be able to pick up a fairly inexpensive USB to SD card reader at any office store. There's got to be a few Apple stores in Greater London where you can get one Like to see pics of Bletchly!
29th April 2013

Only one book...say it isn't so. I can never seem to show that kind of restraint. Love the blog so far and can't wait to read more. Happy Travels!!!
28th April 2013

You know if I had been that passport control woman I am sure I would have flagged you for further questioning -- you have always looked extremely suspicious to me, right up there with the guy who put the explosives in his underwear back in
3rd January 2013

I did not know you two spoke fluent German or French!! Am I impressed -- I would have been impressed much sooner if I had been on the original list of recipients of your blog.
3rd January 2013

I LOVED Murren when I was there -- absolutely beautiful. I'm glad you two experienced this together!
From Blog: Mmmmm ... cake
3rd January 2013

Altho I love reading about your adventure, how in the hell do you have the time AND inclination to do sooooooo much typing!
From Blog: Baroquoco
3rd January 2013

Hey, you are bringing so many memories back -- but I am happy that I can even remember THAT far back!
3rd January 2013

So nice to hear about Salzburg -- it was one of my favorite places back in 1902.
3rd January 2013

I remember when I went to Dachau -- I've never forgotten it. And I sobbed and felt sad the rest of that day. And then on to Vienna. Ohhh, I love reliving MY trip through your wonderful posts!
From Blog: Mauthausen
3rd January 2013

YOUR POSTS WERE WONDERFUL! Just wish I could have read them 6 months ago!!!
17th September 2012

I hope you get to travel again too because I want to travel with you again. Here's to future Rick Steve's Tours for both of us!!!

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